It started out so wonderfully too... Leonard the IV and me...just having some fun; taking time to smell the flowers. Snapping some pics....enjoying the sunshine.....
He declared these creeping phlox his "very most fav"....

Wasn't today supposed to be a great day just planting my pots? Wha' hoppen?
It dawned bright and beautiful.... (on Thursday it snowed a couple of inches and was darn cold) shorts and sunblock ..oh, and 15 rotten mosquito bites to boot. I must have a sensitivity to insect bites of all sorts...they make big bumps or welts and itch like crazy for hours. But..this is not about that...oh, no....this is about how after a nice morning coffee with some Tia Maria in it.. and then a great weekend breakfast too, because Greg is home after working 7 days a week for weeks.... and after we wandered out into the yard to check things out and greet the day.
He decided to mow while I began to sweep in the patio...then I was going to move pots and plant. All of a sudden he was finished mowing... noticed that the juniper bushes are getting huge...huh? they have been overgrowing things for the past few years, what was he talking about? Then he was getting quite animated... saying we should move them...and re-organize the area of the yard where the biggest ones are..etc.... and then....before I knew it he was dragging shovels, wheelbarrow, edgers, and hose for marking the shapes of the grass line. Ohhh nooo... and then he said.."come my little burro...we have work to do".

What happened to giving me another week of easier slogging in the my ankle could heal a bit more? It was feeling a bit better this morning than it does right now too I'll tell ya, because I stepped on a shovel handle and twisted it a bit right near the end of a very long, arduous day... tired and not watching where I was dragging my poor feet.

It hardly looks like enough to make us ache...but it took hours.....!!! I need somebody standing there to give you all a size reference for heaven's sake!
We dug, tore up most of the grass we laid several years ago... , banged off most of the dirt.. hauled it to the alleyway in the wheelbarrow.. marked off some more areas and just kept right on going.... alllllllll day!! Yes, we were always going to do something with the south side of this is very hot and dry there... tough to keep the grass nice and the quack grass!! Awful! But it is still nice and green and it looked fine. I was sort of planning on October for all of this! Anyway...already long story just a bit shorter.... we got all we wanted to dig,...dug. Our plan for xeriscaping part of this yard is now underway. Several years ago we put in underground sprinklers ourelves.... (our elves??..hahhahah... yep..that's us alright.....the yard elves) I meant ourselves. A huge job and plenty of digging too..... and now...we are going to move them again...and even take out some heads; cap off others and T some to new areas. A lot of work still to do... but...tomorrow.. removing most of the dirt under where all that grass was and laying newspapers and landscaping fabric... then next week I will be going to Burnco for some good dirt with no quack grass in it...then... gravel and bark chips... my week will be shot! Not......NOT what I had in mind. I need to make some bears for the bear fair if I am going to do it. Puhleeeeeezzzzzzz... and ATC's...need to make some of those too...there is a swap happening for Pete's sake!
Okay... time to change the ice packs on my butt and ankle..... and take some more Ibuprofen..... maybe I will watch the qualifier for the Monaco Grand Prix......taped it earlier......
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