We brought in the pepper plants last night ...good thing too!

Heavy white frost on the rooftops this morning... -4C... brrrr.. Last Wednesday it was +32C.... where else but here does it drop 30 degrees in a few days? The golf course employees had a good laugh at Veronica and the Old Guys showing up to golf when it was barely +5C at 10:30 a.m. yesterday. They were freezing and had on their parka type jackets. I myself had on 5 layers ... (6 if you count the heavily padded bra) cotton camisole, long sleeved turtle neck, light long sleeve zip riding shirt, lightly padded vest and fleece jacket. And... another fleece parka liner popped over top til I took my first tee shot. It was cloudy and the wind was gusting when we took off...but, the clouds cleared and the wind settled a bit....so by the time we got to the 6th hole...it was not too bad. However, we were all pretty cold by then.... so elected to quit after the 9 and didn't bother going around the small course a second time. We sat in the warm clubhouse instead and had hot coffee and peeled off layers as we warmed up. I shot my best 9 of the season.... woohoooo.... hope I can hold the good thoughts til May now....and have a better beginning right out of the chute. I actually figured out a few things with my swing last week ... with Mr. BV's help .... and had a couple dandy drives. That's all it takes... a couple of great ones and you keep going back.... I know lots of folks hate golf and/or are just not interested. I love it. What a strange and wonderful game.
So, today I should have been offline already. The carpet installers should be here floating the floor and getting rid of the old carpet... perhaps even getting to the underlay ....but, no...... nobody is here. Why? Because our carpet is still in transit......
"Hi there...my name is John and I work for the carpet company." (very British accent...so much so that I couldn't really get half of what he said til my ears adjusted to the voice...)
"uhm.....that's nice....when will you be here? "
"That's what I'm calling about".
"your carpet's not 'ere..."
"Where is it then John?"
"It's in Richmond"
"Richmond, Virginia?? ((shriek?....)) ('cuz it is coming from the U.S.) ..... or Richmond B.C. ??.... (in CAnada at least)"
"Oh ..hahhahahahh ..... Richmond B. C....."
"not very funny really ... John"....
"no....I know.... but, we'll have to rebook....and blah, blah, blah.... " (I didn't hear much or understand much after the rebook part........ I just saw red and my hearing went all blurry)
The upshot of it is....we wait til somebody tracks things down....re-organizes an installer and we wait.....to see what they manage..........
I should have been totally ready for this..... it is no different than any of the other renovation stuff we have been through. But.... somehow hope springs eternal...... can you believe it? ...even after 23+ years of dealing with sales and tradespeople. You would think I'd learn not to bother giving anybody credit for anything or expecting anything at all from anybody....
Somehow, I'm not even totally furious either.... maybe I'm used to all the bullshit. But, I am disappointed. We worked our butts off to be ready for the appointed date. All the painting and fixing and moving out of furniture is complete. We have three empty rooms down here....and extra chairs, cushions, tables, lamps, rolled rugs, DVD holders, some cabinetry and huge tote bins strewn all over upstairs....until after the carpeting is put down. The couch, pool table rails and slabs and tv are on the landing and in the entrance to the laundry room... can't move around them...... and, now....... .........we ..........wait........ la la la.... la la la... la lala la la......

oh no :/ well at least you had a good golf game ;)
I'd be asking for a discount on the carpet now that you are waiting, but thats just me ;)
Oh, so typical! When they selling you the goods, they are always, so nice and promise the world. When the sale is done then it's not that important to them any more ... the waiting begins. I do hope it arrives today. I'm going to miss reading your blog. Take care my friend.
Drats! But par for the course when it comes to renovations, huh?
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