Thursday, October 29, 2009

Christmas bells.....

just enough to make it seem colder than it is...

what's that saying? "walk tall and carry a big stick" ..or sumthin? I say sit with your back to the sun and cast a long shadow... and feel all cozy and warm too....

It snowed a bit overnight... and looks like... erm... well, it's beginning to look like too-close-to- Christmas already!

I found some little bear bits today while tidying my crafting room. No legs though so had him/her sitting in a scrunchie to stay upright...

Ruggles wanted to play... so we went outside and I took a few pics of him with the new little sleigh my friend brought me yesterday. Maybe it needs a larger bear...or maybe just several little guys...

hey... hurry up will ya?... this snow is cold on my bum...

acckk.. get it off.... it's melting and I'm getting wet down there ....what do you mean are those my clangers? NO ...they're Christmas bells you ninny!

ahhhh...much better...a warm blankie and a buddy to keep me company... this is more like it. Where's the hot chocolate?


Shashi Nayagam said...

Just trying to catch up. It feels like spring here. Unusually, warm here. Love your painting.

Jennifer Rose said...

poor Ruggles. cold butt and a photo that could be used as black mail later :p

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Wow, I can't believe you have snow already! Poor little bear. :)
Happy that you had a blanket for him and his friend! LOL

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

Sweet little bears in the sleigh and yes, you would need a blanket with that snow around.

Stay warm and have a good weekend

Serena Lewis said...

LOL, fun post.....that last photo is adorable!!!

Cody Goodin said...

Nice blog, thank you for joining mine.