Wednesday, October 14, 2009

nope.... ... it can't be wordless today..

so it is Word Wednesday.... and the word is snow. About 5 inches now....

After I shoveled... I took a walk around the neighbourhood and got a few pics....

.... a lovely drooping rose.....

everything is still green... fall didn't even happen.... and now....winter......

crabapples didn't get picked...and are still clinging.... saw a magpie and a squirrel in the same tree, busy nibbling some fruit....

...lovely green fronds of a weeping birch... touching the snow covered ground.....

aha....the mugho pines
didn't mind a bit...

the roses on the other hand probably wondered where the little pointy white hats came from....


Jennifer Rose said...

looks like the birds knew what was going to happen >.<

Kaerie Faerie said...

Wow, can't believe you have snow, I'm sweating like crazy in Florida, wish we would get some cooler weather, Hey, throw a snowball in my direction please

Michelle Eaton said...

Looks wonderful!

Sue said...

It looks beautiful. There is something very enchanting about the first snow....although this IS early!

Serena Lewis said...

oh, those poor roses! :( the birds seem clued into something.

Annie said...

Gorgeous photos. A x

Heather said...

NooooOOOOoooOOOOooo... I'm not ready for winter.

Ah well... time to break out the heavy coats!

Lovely pictures :)

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Oh my! I can't believe you have snow already! Beautiful photos!

JudiA said...

Oh, your poor poor roses! Is the snow supposed to stay? Our winter is arriving early as well, but no snow thank goodness! What a year.

HElen said...

We've got some snow today also :) love the pictures!

Sharon said...

I think the early snow is worth it to get those beautiful photos :)

Beedeebabee said...

Oh I wish I had that early snow! I love it! Your pictures are just beautiful!! =D Hugs, Paulette

Anonymous said...

oh no snow!! here we go again, a long winter of snow and ice photo's from all us northerners... I do love the ones of the rose though (:

Maria Vaz said...

The pictures look beautiful. Rob came over to visit us, he said he was glad he was away during that dump. I said that I actually miss the snow. He thinks I'm crazy, when we are still experiencing hot days over here ;).
Take care.

Patricia said...

que hermoso para mi no es comun este paisaje soy de san juan argentina aqui el sol es el rey siempre brilla .tus muñecas son obra de arte .cariños .patricia marcela