my horsie from yesterday is one side of a pair of bookends.... almost dainty looking, but very heavy weight wise. A chunk of some beautiful pale green marble (similar colour to the walls) and a solid bronze horse. They are vintage.... many years old...belonged to Mr. BV's folks. They used to be a favourite tourist souvenir from Mexico .... everybody had them. When we first acquired them I thought..oh, great... more junk .... but, we dutifully kept them and they gathered dust in various places in the house and storage spots. Actually they make perfect doorstops. But, yesterday, I dusted them off and polished the horses... and now have them on top of my new "old looking" set of drawers in the office that is taking the place of the old credenza we used to have... which, sadly, is no more... .... proudly doing their job. I kinda like 'em there.

Finally getting the rooms sorted out and finished up.... the office being the smallest of the three .. it is almost finished. Still some boxes of papers to go through and either store in crates in the huge storage area under my craft room...or move some back in here. Storage area sounds good to me. It will keep this room lovely and organized and especially.... ....clear of clutter.

Love how the sunlight plays in patterns over the walls and floor from its brilliance shining through the glass block windows in this room. I will appreciate less clutter...because this is the colour of our new carpet. Guess who wil be spending a bit more time vacuuming? Must be nuts... but, it looks amazing, even stunning...however, you do notice bits of fluff and popcorn and stuff like that on it... well, so far only one kernel of popcorn; we are paranoid about messing up our still new smelling carpeting after waiting so many years....
One slight snag in my organizing...... we may have to upgrade our computer... and somebody is considering a switch to a Mac because they came out with some amazing changes only two days ago... ....that'll surely mess with my head big time! But, at least I am at the point where I am thinking what to put on the that part...yes, that's what I'll do. Think only on the fun things. Perhaps a lamp for the desk...... a pencil and pen tray to put inside a drawer to get rid of the old cup that I used to use on the old desk.... and a new interesting little waste basket...and a .....hey! what do you mean I won't be getting anything for Christmas ????
How fun to reach the big five oh, in followers.
I must be younger since I am the big forty five in followers :)
Those are handsome horse bookends and I am happy you are displaying them.
The sunlight reflecting on the furniture is very pretty.
I think your horsey bookends look great on that cabinet! I also love the way the sun hits the warm and pretty!
When my previous landlord's son bought and moved into the house we rented before this one, he put down new carpet in a dark steel blue looked lovely but it also showed up every little fleck of fluff and they had an indoor cat....say no more. lol They stayed there for only a year before selling the house....not because of the carpet....well, we don't think so anyway. I do love the richness of the colour you chose and, as long as you have a good vacuum cleaner, you'll be fine.
The bookends look great on the set of drawers! At least you got bookends handed down to you....they are small....I kinda was given a huge rosewood cabinet that my parents bought many, many years ago when I was a kid. It weighs a ton and doesn't go with any of my decor so sticks out like a sore thumb. :( I thought of painting over it in an off-white so that it will look a little less conspicuous but I'm sure my Dad would have a heart attack if I did that....though Mum has given me permission to paint it if I want to. I'm still scratching my head and wondering HOW I ended up with it. One of my sisters refused it when my parents moved my younger sister had it for a while but seized the opportunity to 'dump' it on me when she moved house. I didn't want to hurt Mum and Dad's feelings so couldn't bring myself to say no but I sure did hesitate big-time. lol
Hi Vee, I love the Horses, Their beautiful, And really beautiful on top of the bureau.I love what you are doing.I wish my hubby would let me redecorate. He said after he retires so he can help me.But I don't want his help,can't tell him that.He has aweful taste...LOL...Thanks for stopping by.I just gave away 4 walmart bags of satumas today.Wish you were here.I would give you plenty.We can be muffins together...LOOL...XXOO Marie Antionette
Hi again, and thanks for your comments today on my bloggie.
If you are counted twice as a follower, that is twice as nice :)
Tis a mystery, and I do adore your blog.
Hi Vee,
I like your bookends on the drawers.
My parents had brass book ends but it was just the head of the horse.
Your new carpet looks great and you must be so happy with it.
About getting a Mac, you will love them and not look back at ever wanting a PC again.
Happy weekend
Hey V! Thats what a lot of my friends call me too!
I am getting motivated to post some new pics... I have been pretty much procrastinating all summer!
And I was kinda thinking my blog was pretty Lame,
I had a couple negative comments and it made me just stop all together. Now I just read the new Stampington artful blogging magazine cover to cover and it makes me think I might be brave enough to start again...
How wonderful that you are at the stage that you can think about what to hang on the walls! That must be a great feeling. Enjoy the fun of decorating after all the time and hard work you've put into renovating.
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