I love this... forget where on the net I found it...but, I wanted to leave you with a smile on your face....
.....................supposedly the carpet has been found and shipped ... and the installers will arrive in the a.m .... so... this computer on its temporary desk of a DVD storage case is moving upstairs...in pieces....
The moving upstairs of too much stuff has taken a toll... I think I tore something in my rib area at the back near my spine .. ....or fractured something... good old EDS (Ehlers Danlos) no doubt. I can hardly turn my upper body tonight.... ice pack and Ibuprofen here I come. Maybe a shot of port before bed....
Talk to you next week sometime...or whenever I get this computer back online.... .... I will so be looking forward to new carpet...some new office furniture....and the computer staying in one spot for more than a few days.... and also being at a proper height..hahah.... instead of on hearths... tote bins..etc...there is light at the end of the tunnel.....
Hi Vee,
New carpet, new office furniture, all sounds wonderful.
I am really sorry to hear that you have injured yourself.
Do take it easy and I hope that you are feeling better. Relax over the weekend, you deserve it after all your hard work.
Oh my goodness! What some cats put up with!!! (giggles) =D
The cat picture is priceless, too funny.
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Just take it easy for a few days, you deserve it.
Hugs ...
ouch! :/ hopefully you didn't fracture something. if it gets any worse, please get it looked at.
glad the carpets been found :)
gosh, I hope that it is nothing serious and will look forward to seeing pics of the new office area!
Take care of yourself!
Looking forward to seeing pics of your new carpet! And hope your feeling much better by the time you come back on-line.Take care of yourself!
That picture did put a huge smile, it is riot!
Sorry your hurt your back, I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself!
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope you get better soon.
Can't wait to see the pictures of your New Space. :)
That photo of the little cat is precious. :)
Can't wait to see the new carpet. Take care of yourself and I hope your back heals up quickly.
Lovin the cat picture! take it easy V.
catch ya soon x
hope you get the new carpet in okay...and take care, hope you're feeling better soon! Gx
I've enjoyed catching up with your blog today....have missed it.
Glad to hear your game of golf has improved especially given the cold conditions you were all playing in.
The mushroom omelette looked delicious!
I'm so sorry that you've hurt your back and I hope you will be feeling much better by the time you post next. Take it easy!
WTG on the new carpet....I hope all goes well. xo
Ooo I luv that new carpet smell!
Hope it all goes ok an hope yor rib an bak gets better.
((gentol hug))
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