Doing some extra stitching on the scalloped edge of the lace on the top of this one.... Karen's little frilly dilly stitch...she calls it Frilly Picot. I never know if I've got it quite right...but, it looks right to me and with the number 12 Perle cotton and if I pull each stitch pretty tight...I can get it tiny. Click on the photo to "biggify" and you can see it so much better. I love it. And, I think it really enhances the flat lace. Gives it more body or something... and makes it more interesting to look at.
See the four little tiny scalloped bits on the lace edge? .... just above the umbrella looking machine stitched flower on the cotton fabric I used for the base fabric? Those are my little frilly dilly thingies ..... with some French Knots above holding the lace in position.. until the whole egg gets a backing of white silk.

I'm debating what to use for trim on this other guy...and ... more or less leaning towards a bit of this lace on the top end of the egg......
Not much time to stitch today ....but, must do a few each day at the very least.........every little helps, as my Mum was fond of saying.... then she would add...... "said the little old lady who peed in the sea"....... must be an old English saying ..or ... maybe she just made it up .......
Such fine sttching, its looking lovely.
Your frilly dillies are looking quite perky - nice! Like those french knot flowers too.
Yes - I am sure I can hear my mum saying similar - must be that generation's daring sense of humour! She liked cheeky postcards too! Love those frilly dilly bits. x Jo
Those frilly dillies are very sweet. I agree I've heard similar sayings. My MIL had a ton of them.
ha....the lady who peed in the it! Love these embroidered beauties too....
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