Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time for tea!!

Especially when this happens.   It was a total through and through one spot and straight out the other.  I was sort of going sideways with one good stick .... and all I can say is thank goodness I didn't get any on Ms. Goosie!

If it happens... you have to lick the wool ...hahaha...yeh...your saliva works wonders.  But... hhaakkkk!!  it feels like a cat trying to get rid of a hairball for a minute or two after that .... ptoooey .....

You just have to walk away ...and wait it out til the bleeding stops .. especially with white wool.  And...hopefully you don't leak any of the red stuff before you snatch away the poor aching finger.  It hurts to stab a finger or thumb... almost feels bruised as well as stuck ... it hurts.  Please be careful if you try some felting.

Think it's time to stop for tea and a cookie now.....oh, I forgot to bake any.  Just for that ...maybe I'll bake something next then.....

But, before I did that ...I finished up both wings....and began to add a bit of wool for the leg tops...oh, and... stuck some wire into the feet...


Terra said...

Ouchy. Hope your boo boo is all better.

Mary Ann Tate said... you know I have done that:(

You're almost done...she is going to be a cutey. What are you going to make next?

Jennifer Rose said...


see, that is why as much as I want to try felting, I know that I would stab myself a dozen times :p

Dolores said...

Maybe you should stay away from sharp things for a while. Me and my friends always seem to bleed at least once while quilting. Spit works wonders, yes. Marg keeps a stash of bandaids handy since she's the worst culprit.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

Ouch! is right and I know how much it hurts when you do something like this.
The goose is coming along though and can't wait to see it finished.

Happy Easter

Gretel said...

You're doing great, stick at it - but don't stick in your poor ringers anymore!

BumbleVee said...

"stick at it." ...hahahha..... thanks Gretel.....

Catherine said...

Ouch! Poor girl! I got a little weak in the knees reading that ~ good thing I was sitting down! haha!
Have a terrific Easter weekend!
xo Catherine

Laura said...


Anonymous said...

Would you like me to kiss it better. Bandaids work wonders, I hope you feel better now.
Have a wonderful easter, Vee.
Take care Sue.

Twiglet said...

Oh yes - I know that feeling!!! Ouch. Occupational hazard. Happy Easter!

Mrs Mac said...


Shashi Nayagam said...

Hey that is not your little goosie but your finger. Do be careful.