Several years ago ... I'm not even sure exactly how many...perhaps 10 now... she fell, on some ice, while getting out of her car in the parking lot of the school where she worked at the time. She awoke with a major concussion. Bad enough to cause some brain damage. There were many months to years of agony that ensued while she pretty much rescued and rehabilitated herself from the days and weeks of being almost catatonic on her couch. The drugs they had her on in the beginning made her reckless and totally forget about consequences..and I worried for her. Every. Single. Day.
I am many hours drive from where she lives. Accidents did happen... injuries did happen...and years went by... with no help and a lot of frustration. But... she worked at getting back her lost self.. the brain injury association originally told her she had lost about 50% of herself. She cried. She was shocked. She became totally depressed. I was shocked. When she could read words on paper again without vomiting... ..she studied up on all of it. She had post-it notes on every available surface to remind her how to to perform daily functions.. to manage to make it through her days. When she could drive again... more than a year after it all happened.. and even then, without peripheral vision, ... she drove herself to all the hospital and doctor appointments. We flew, together, to a special evaluation in a nearby big city that should have resulted in some compensation for job loss...she had been head secretary at a big school and could no longer manage that although she tried to go back a few times. A very trying farce as it turned out...she got nothing...and had to fight in court for another few years for something... and, on it went...several horrible which she petted, groomed, looked after and in general just hung out with her horses ... crying into their warm bodies and keeping them company, and they became her best and only friends... when all others totally disappeared, save one....
A few years ago...she took herself off all the drugs the doctors had her on. Against their advice. Got fed up and just quit cold turkey. Decided she wanted her old life and self back. Wanted more than she had. More energy. More clarity. More her. As much of her as she could get back. Man... has she worked at it. And..if you didn't know she has residual brain damage... you would probably never guess. Of course, there are a few things ..but if you didn't know..... She seems to have an even better sense of humour ...and is very funny....and her stories and imagination ... amazing.
I still think she should be doing some motivational speaking for the brain injury society...or maybe just for the brain injured. They could use an inspirational thing or two in their lives... and she would feel like she didn't lose nearly as much as she did. Lost her job, any benefits, her so-called friends, years of her life ....the list goes on and on, believe me ...... but, she discovered a lot in the process as well and she could pass on that knowledge .. and she sure knows she can hold her own in most situations now. She's my hero.
Anyway.... if I can't think of a name for any of my creations...I just show Vikki a photo and she comes up with not only a story,...but a great name too....
I showed her my goose in an email ....and she came back with what was happening with her and the little guys right away... here is an excerpt from her letter.
I love the picture where they are all asking her where she has come from and where she got the great bling. It’s like she could have just had a very iffy landing and they came over to see. And she’s saying something like “Whew, made it…that was a close one in all that wind.” “Oh, this stuff...I come from a far off land where we all get “bling” before we make our maiden flight.” “It’s a birthright.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
it's amazing the bond between sisters. it's hard to explain to anyone. love, best friend are just not enough. your sister is lucky to have you by her side thru her trauma. she is a strong person to fight back from where she was.
When you read something like that, all your worries and complaints seem very inconsequential in comparison. I love the story about the bling!!
What an incredible woman! She's an inspiration and that is a wonderful story too - I love it!
Wow. What a story! I can't imagine what she has been through. I have a blogger friend who went through something similar, except his was a car accident. He really struggled to get back to his old life....and he still does. I will send you a link, although he does not dwell on it too much anymore. He will still comment periodically about how he can't do what he used to, but he is coming around slowly. When I read this story--I thought of him and his recovery.
I love her thoughts on the photo. Very sweet. :)
What a terrible thing your sister had to endure....all that, and she lost friends too? Unbelievable.
You must be so proud of her; and she's lucky to have you, too :-)
As for Gracie....well she's just adorable. You did a fantastic job....
Sisterly love is a very special thing! x Jo
Your sister is an amazing person and you are an amazing sister to her. You must be very proud of her. Love the story about Gracie ( don't know why I think of her as Goosie always lol) Gracie turned out lovely.
Looks like a picture postcard. One could almost think it is Christmas!
Our weather is slipping backwards slowly. From hot to cold that is the forcaste for the weekend. We will be getting Siberian winds sweeping in brrr...
Oh the story about your sister made me sit back and think about things differently... Thanks for sharing!
Now Gracie is just so special sitting there with here new friends in her bling and wonder! Love her!
Vikki is a true fighter ... someone to be proud of for having endured all that she has and for going against all odds. You my dear, are a very special sister for having cared for her the way you have.
Your Gracie is a beaut! Great job!
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