speaking of wearing many hats.....
In one of our other adventures in renovations and refurbishings we decided to try our hand at sprinkler installation when we also did the rock and brick work several years ago. Mostly it is just a lot of digging, planting pipes and adding a few sprinkler heads. We got all the info from a very friendly guy at the irrigation and sprinkler supply store... bought two special little narrow shovels so we didn't dig up any more grass and dirt than needed... organized and drew our plans of where and how we wanted heads so they overlapped by 20 feet...and planted them. Then, we put back the foot wide roll of sod we cut up prior to the digging...and you couldn't even tell we had been there. We were very good little moles.......
Every time we turn them on... or they come automatically... we organized the wall panel so we can do it either way..... we cheer, look at each other... and grin like Cheshire cats. It cost a tiny fraction of the initial quote for us to do it ourselves..... just buy the parts and get dirty ...... and... at the risk of jinxing our system...... it's the only one in the immediate neighbourhood still working. The others were professionally installed.
yeah sprinklers, great for a hot day and your grass loves you!
Oh, what fun blogs you have - and you make such beautiful dolls and bears! I'll be back often to visit!! :) Silke
Good for you, for installing the sprinklers. Your grass looks lovely and green.
Your grass must be the greenest in the neighbourhood.
Beautiful green grass! you should be so proud and you saved money too, now you can spend what you saved on something else for you LOL!!.....hugs, Jennifer
yeah, always nice when it works and works good...love the planter too!!
Boy, after the initial work of planning, digging and planting pipes, this looks like such a great idea.....so much better than moving a sprinkler around constantly!
Good for you!
hmm makes you wonder if the professionals installed the other ones so they would need work? :/
nothing beats the satisfied feeling of a job you've done yourself. WTG! i can't even remember the last time we used sprinklers of any description...they've been banned for so many years due to the drought. and, they are still banned even though we have been declared drought-free in recent months.
Great job! Not only do you have the pride in doing this yourself, you saved lots of $$$! Can't beat that!
That is great that you installed the irrigation system yourselves. Doesn't it feel great when things work out? :)
Then on that of it, you saved money too!
Hello Veronica!!! Missed you.I see you are staying busy.Thats was a big job , putting in sprinklers.Back breaking work,but you all did a wonderful job it looks like.I havn't looked at everything yet, so is that doll you were working on in May still on going and can you direct me to it so that I may see it.Thanks Hon,got to go ,still kind of slow. XXOO Marie Antionette
Great job on the sprinkler system!
Due to the drought we have had here and the water shortage in FL. no new sprinkler systems can be installed where we live- bummer....
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