it's not really photo of the week day ..... but, I thought it was Monday... so I put the caption. Mostly because I ran out of Actonel...which I usually take on Monday morning. I then had to wait 3 days for an appointment just to renew it.... delay taking it for a few days...and voila... that totally messed with my head. However, there is good news. While I was at the doctor's office renewing my prescription... because they refuse to just phone it in...( it subtracts $120 from their paycheque every time they don't book us in personally) even if it does put them an hour behind because they insist on seeing at least 50 patients in a morning... anyway..back to my long drawn out explanation... the latest bone density x-ray shows that the drug is helping my body to lay down more bone and I have finally come up a bit beyond the danger zone for fractures!! YaaaaaaY!!! I guess it is worth the $576.00 per year it costs.
There was a local doll show a few weeks ago... we go every year but, there is not much for a doll maker...it is more for collectors. I can't seem to get very enthused over old, mostly used and abused (some of them rather dirty) dolls.
There used to be a doll making group (disbanded now) that I belonged to for a few years and some of the members used to have tables of their dolls for sale... and we had two more tables full of dolls that members of the group had made. Some were for sale and some just for show and tell. It was always fun, lots of folks were interested in what we had created .... it was a lot of talking and visiting.... but, now nobody with the type of dolls we make is there anymore.
There also used to be several bear makers in attendance but, that has also dwindled to one participant as well. I keep saying I should get busier and make time to do a few bears in a year...I should get a table ...but, time slips away and apparently I am too lazy to bother.
However, I am always on the lookout for tiny props for little bears and found this ancient metal bicycle. It looks perfect in the pics, but you know how pics do tend to make almost anything look better than it is.... with the exception of people..... ....strange that.....
The paint is a bit chipped and more dirty than it appears in real life... I think I will paint it a lovely turquoise....and at Maggi's suggestion... make a bunny to sit on it. He could be similar to this little guy...long skinny legs and big feet... arms a bit longer of course, to reach the handle bars.....

I'll make a little basket for the rear carry rack... put in a few little colourful eggs...... wonder if I'll get to it before next Easter .... hmmmmmmm ..............

There is a new group called TMT... Tell me Thursday....(honest, I wouldn't lie) where folks are actually explaining what their Wordless Wednesday picture was about. So, in the spirit of that.... and for some folks that wondered about my Goldfinger impersonation... I was painting some different colours of gold paint on some lace to see if I could get a similar colour of gold to what I want to use for the shoe decorations on my latest doll. Abysmal failure. Do you know how many colours of gold there are? arrggghh....
Never thought gold was like white and black - they have over a hundred different versions. I think a wee bunny would look great on your little bike but really, how about a few carrots in basket with the eggs. Don't bunnies eat carrots? For that matter how come bunnies are associated with eggs? Chickens maybe, but bunnies. Oh, never mind.
I've taken note on this medication for my Mum who suffers with Osteoporosis. She ended up with Osteoporosis due to other medication she has to take for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Not sure if it's available here but she may be interested in checking it out, thanks. Any improvement, even small, has to be a good thing, right?
I know the feeling....for years now, I keep saying that I'm going to paint up a lot of art and decorative wood items to sell at the Annual Sale held at my parents' retirement village but I never get around to it. I usually plan to start painting Christmas themed items from around June so that I'll be well-stocked when Christmas arrives but that never seems to happen either. lol
The little bicycle is soooo cute!!! Turquoise would be a lovely colour too.
I keep three different variations of gold on hand and, even then, I have to mix them at times to get just the hue I'm looking for. Who knew there could be so many variations.
glad to read that the the drug is helping :D
I can't get over how small you can make your bears! that bike will go really well with a bunny and his basket :)
Congrats on your bone density improving (that reminds me I have to set up an appointment for a scan).
I haven't been to a doll show in a couple of years, as I found the same thing as you - the doll artists had vacated the premises.
Love the little bike and also your little teddy - one like that would be just too cute on the bike. If you make one, you must post about it!
That bike was a great find! It will be a perfect prop for a bunny.
Congrats on growing new bone.
Oh the lil bear is gorgeous! reminds me of Rufus! glad the meds are working :O)
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