Remember the shoveling? This is why. I got a new little fountain. With birdies on it. It was so cute I just kept going back to the store and finally.... well, here it is. It is so heavy we had to get a neighbour to help lift it out of the van...although I did help get it in there... but, to get it out...well, I just couldn't hold up my end... that sucker is heavy!

All set up now and some nice new rock.... still need a bit more here and a few other spots in the yard.
It has tiny LED lights in the little opening and it is quite brilliant at night... the little fountain part can go from a tiny burble to a full geyser...I like is so relaxing. I did actually have a few lovely warm days in which to sit out there and enjoy it...before this disastrous climate change.

I'll go back to the rock pile when it warms up.
Although...I did notice a certain golden orb in the sky today. I felt kind of like the groundhog.... .. ... I saw my shadow! Does that mean only 6 more weeks of winter? ..ouch! ...I sincerely hope not! we've already had some great days and even weeks... surely this is just a horrible glitch.
I moved all the tomato and pepper plants (except the poor little guy that got snowed upon) into the garage... so hopefully they will be okay...and I ain't puttin' 'em out for another day either becuz they are calling for more snow/rain showers yet again tomorrow. Hopefully we get the sun and 16C and 20C they are predicting for Wednesday and Thursday.
I have to be able to golf with my guys on Wednesday! It's important. .. an absolute must. Somehow I must redeem myself....Howard (our 90 year old) showed me who was boss last week....oh.... the shame of it. He beat me by a whopping 10 strokes! I noticed he had a sly little grin for several holes too, the old bugger. I had a horrible game.. nothing went right. Even my putting and chipping... usually my forte... were failing me. Oh,'s only a game....... grrrrrr.....
for anybody who wants it...the recipe is up now.... for....
strawberry scones

What a cute fountain! I like how it lights up and the ornamental birds are a nice touch.
Crossing fingers that you are the one wearing the sly, little grin on Wednesday. :)
Oh, and thanks for the yummy recipe....the strawberry scones look delicious!
Gooooood morning:-) I'm finally catching up with your latest news and I see that you got that dreaded snowfall as well! We had it a week ago Sunday and believe me, I was NOT impressed either. Today it's 9c and pouring rain...sigh!
I just LOVE your new fountain, I've never seen one like that before! Hopefully the temps will finally start climbinb and staying put so that you can enjoy it!!
Good luck with the golfing on Wednesday, oh yes, you absolutely must redeem yourself! LOL I can well imagine how tickled pink Howard was to have beaten your score last week! hehe
As for the strawberry scones...yummmmmo!!! Will print out the recipe for sure. xoxo
I just love that birdie fountain!!! I'm copying that strawberry scones recipe...YUM!!! Smiles, Paulette :o)
I'm going to tell my husband about the 90 year old golfing! He thinks he's getting too old already. ;o)
I adore your little fountain! Sorry your weather has been outrageous...I can't even imagine snow in June! Oh my.
Your new fountain is gorgeous. I hope you get lots of warm days so you can sit out and enjoy it as you eat your yummy scones
I love fountains in the garden specially the water sound is so relaxing. Love yours with the birds. I am sure you will soon get lots of live birds to keep the others company.
really nice fountain and it looks really pretty lit up like that :)
Your fountain is so sweet, I like that it lights up too. I would like to get a fountain for my yard but we are still planting things and have no clue where it would go yet......good luck on the golf game!!! hugs, Jennifer
The fountain looks lovely! Good luck with your golf game :)
Very nice, very nice fountain!
Love the fountain - particularly when it is lit up! Oh....those strawberry scones look delish! Thanks for sharing!
Oh what a mixed bunch of weather you get over there, seems worse than England! I like your bird ornament be fun to watch. Off to check out those scones, look delicious.
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