Her little shoes are finally trimmed...but, not without mishap. Even though I glazed them with a protective lacquer.... the Scotch tape I held on the decor with while the glue set...peeled off some paint....sigh. Well, I say a mere sigh now...but, that isn't what I said at the time, believe me@! I've been mixing paint to try to get the exact match...and so far so good...but, need another coat on one spot.... then I paint a tougher glaze on top....

....a glass of Absinthe was in order.... hahhaha....
nawww....it's just my cute little liqueur glass of dipping water...but, it does look a bit like Absinthe, slightly louched....
on it's way to the "perfect opalescent milkiness".....
Yes.... that is Mickey Maria! My sister's beautiful quarter horse. I hope to be petting him one day soon when I make my annual trip to her little farm in B.C. Click on each of the "Mickeys" to hear some of his story.... he is a great horse. A stoic as Vikki calls him.. and right now she is working overtime to help heal a deep gash that he got on one leg months ago... something scared or chased him and he injured his leg on something.... it is healing, but slowly... and she is playing vet as most folks do with animals. The vet comes a few times...shows her what to do and ...then, she just does it. At the moment, that includes cleaning and cutting away the remnants of unhealed flesh or crustiness... applying salves, dressings.... etc..... what a gal...and what a trooper Mickey is to let her do it.... it has been a long road on this one... and not his first leg/foot injury...

Mickey last year...
Oh, oh, I want a pair of those! I've never had absinthe - what does it taste like?
Love the shoes. The horse is a cutie too and I hope he heals soon.
Fabulous shoes V! as is Mickey!
those shoes are really pretty :)
Mickey looks like a great horse :) Good on your sister for taking care of him!
oh, those shoes are gorgeous!! I can't wait to see her all done! I love the horse, I collect carousel horses....Hubby won't let me have a real one :( have a nice day, hugs Jennifer
Vee,You had me ...LOL..., I could just picture you at the monment that tape peel away the paint.But I am sorry about her shoes.They are just gorgeous.Can you not just mix a color close and repaint the shoes.Hugs Marie Antionette
Ps I hope Mickey gets Ok,He is a beautiful horse
I would love to have same pair of shoes, they are beautiful!
Wishing Muckey to heal soon, beautiful horse.
Gorgeous shoes and it looks like you have done a wonderful job of matching the paint.
Mickey is beautiful!
Love the shoes ... I want a pair too.
So sorry to hear about Mickey's health problems. I feel for Vikki ... it must be very hard on her to be going through this. I'm sure she is being very strong and doing her best to nurse Mickey back to good health.
Could you make me a pair of those beautiful shoes pretty please?
You could open up a shop now with our orders lol!
Oh my! Those shoes are marvelous!
Great work, Vee! I hope you can get the right color paint mixed. I've had to do that for boo boos and it's a real pain to create the same color, especially because I never write down what colors I used in the mix.
What gorgeous shoes! I hate mishaps that make for a lot of extra work.
How gorgeous Mickey is too! I hope his injury heals fast and well.
I meant to say that I would never have thought of using a wine glass for dipping water....classy! :)
Those shoes are beautiful! I can't wait to see the finished doll! Poor sweet horse. I hope his leg feels better soon. Paulette :o)
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