I put out some food for him and he flopped over to get it and had a drink in my bird bath and hung around.....
Later, I noticed that he took food into a tree across the street and climbed up the branches like they were steps... hopping and flapping and managing to get up pretty high.... and then, sort of sailed across to the nearest tree without even having to really fly. He and the missus had built a nest there... and for weeks he did that to help feed her .. he worked like a poor, crippled Trojan for weeks. I almost cried to watch it. And, I was damned if I would let him down...I put out food whenever he was on the ground. It was my job.
He would sail down again to our yard and get some more ...as often as I would go out and give him some more goodies. He recuperated quite a bit and the wing got stronger...he was able to fly short distances if he got scared or felt threatened. His lady came down every so often and shared some food or visited with him and they sat together on the lawn or in the big tree across the street.
In the fall... she and the "kids" talked to him a lot in the Poplar... and maybe he even tried to go a short distance with them...but, in the end.... they left. He was unable to go with them. Later I noticed another smaller crippled crow would show up with him from time to time and then... when the snows came...they disappeared. I didn't see him for months. I read up on crows and discovered that they migrate to Kansas or Oklahoma from here in Canada. Wow....that is a long way south of us.
The cripples and misfits have to stay and hang together during the winter if they can't fly south. I had no idea if he would last the winter...it gets down to -35C and 40C around here .... with plenty of snow... this year we still have 4 feet out there ....... but lo and behold... that first spring he showed up in the Poplar across the street...looking pretty darn good... and just hanging out. I didn't realize for 3 days that he was just waiting for his lady. Then, she and a few young crows showed up.. and he brought them all down onto the front sidewalk to show his family off and I tossed out some goodies and they all hopped around gathering up things. They hung around for a day and then... seemed to disappear.
Later I noticed the two of them flying around, gathering twigs and building just down the street. Apparently they don't use the same nest a second time..they make new ones but in close proximity to the old one.
So, this is the 3rd spring he has shown up and waited patiently for his lifelong mate to show up from her migration trip. He was here at the beginning of the week... ... hanging out...waiting for his special lady. I got a bit worried that this year she wasn't coming...but she showed up the other day... whew!
Last year some big usurper crow and his long legged woman set up camp in the tree across our back alley... I call him the Back Alley Crow... and he bullies poor Limpy. Because he is crippled I guess. So, poor Limpy and the Missus had to move further toward the golf course... and build there. They managed to raise some more babies in spite of the ongoing dive bombings from the Bullies... and, they don't come to the yard much... as a matter of fact...I only got to hear him calling me from the tree every so often last year and sometimes when I went golfing...he hopped over to me to share my peanut butter sandwich. He even recognizes me out of context. Crows are soooo smart.
He was sitting on a big snowdrift in the front yard for several days til the bully came home from holidays...but, now... he only sneaks in on occasion. It was such fun to see him peeking into the front window and sliding down the snowbank to get his little bits of chicken and snacks for the few days ...but, I miss him now as he has had to move a bit further away due to the antics of the bully. If only I could tell them apart before I see my guy on the ground...I could toss things at the wrong "guy" ...but, I can't tell for sure til I see his funny 'hopping' gait ....
The first day I heard and saw him...last week... through the blinds... couldn't believe he was there sitting on top of the huge four foot snowbank.
Here is the size of the snowbanks still around...

He soon had a little trail of footprints up and down the bank...
He had a few days of fun before the other bully crow showed up ... just ahead of his little lady, and then... they had to spend more time out of the front yard than in it. He still shows up and lands on the privacy fence or the snow bank just to say hi and see if I sprint out with some bits of pork or chicken or some bit of something for him to carry off.
Limpy is a lot of fun.
Here he is the spring of 2016 ...April.... peeking in the window when he showed up after being with the local group all winter... checking if I still lived here and wondering if I remembered I was supposed to toss out some snacks. Cheeky boy! Now each spring I look for him as much as he checks on me.
Yay for Limpy and his Mrs!! What a wonderful story, but wouldn't it be wonderful if the bully would move on and let peace rule.
That's a great story Vee. I had a magpie that was in a poor way in my garden once. His ending was sadly different but amazing too. He was attacked by 2 crows he were really vicious and appeared to be pecking him and plucking his feathers. They seemed to delight in their handiwork and I imagined they were probably going to eat him! However, a local resident buzzard had other ideas. He flew down, snatched the magpie and took it away - presumably to feed to his chicks. Oh the joys of nature! I love to watch the birds but it is heart wrenching sometimes - that's life I guess. Happy Easter. x Jo
Lovely to know that Limpy is still going strong. He certainly has the spirit to keep going inspite of all the odds.
WOW! I can't believe he survives...and thrives...STILL!! I often wondered what happened to him. I am so glad you gave us an update.
WOW, i sure enjoyed reading this. It resonated with me and your descriptions and writing was perfect to tell this story. I have two Ravens - a pair - lovers I believe - that come every day and sit on the fence and then jump to the ground in my backyard where every dAY i put treats out. They haven't brought any kids with them so they might be senior citizens. They don't migrate because they stay during the winter when there is snow. This has been going on about two years. They don't trust me though, for some reason, they fly away fast if they spot me. I have to think that a human must have been cruel to them. anyway - i really enjoyed your story.
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