Monday, May 3, 2010

photo a week....

The theme this week is ... "what's on my bedside table"....

It's Serena's turn with themes...and she wondered aloud if perhaps it would be a stack of books and magazines.... perhaps remotes for a tv....

Not in my space.... I don't read very much anyway..and have never found it comfortable to sit and read in a bed.  So it's a "negateevo" on that score.... ....

And.... I've never had tv in my bedrooms, ever.... ... tv in this bedroom either.... not even a phone or a clock visible.  There is one under the bed, but the light on the face is too it is under there where I can't and don't want to see it.  

Since I have such difficulty sleeping ...I like to keep my bedroom just for sleeping...  well... sleeping and uhm.. er ... well.... mostly sleeping... ..

My bedside tables are almost spartan, but ... there is a reason on this side.... I wanted to tie it all in with the pictures hanging kept things to a bare minimum..  .. besides, what do I really need on there?

I just know you are squinting to see what's in that water globe.... what?  you're not nearly as nosey as I? ...hmppfff.....

yes you are... aren't you?  Awwww... look... a Mommy and a baby hippo... and the little tune is "Tenderly". makes me cry every darn time I turn the little key and try to listen to it.  It used to be my Mom's.

She was just as eccentric as can be.  It's a bit cheesy..( although the colours are perfect)  but, little things like this used to amuse her they do me, so I guess I know where it comes from. I am quickly becoming my mother...and don't give a rat's bum, as she used to say.  She was polite...I say rat's ass.  She would often find them (not the rat's asses... the little things) at her favourite second hand and thrift stores.... or garage and estate sales.  She learned early on how to be frugal in order to get by on absolutely nothing and loved a good browse for an hour at them ... or at garage sales within walking distance.  She was obviously well ahead of her time now that I see how popular it's become...... some blogs are totally devoted to just that.


Maureen@IslandRoar said...

A rat's bum, I like that.
Your nightstands are pristine and lovely. I confess mine are cluttered with books and crap. I much prefer yours!

Terra said...

I like the hippo globe and the tune, your mom sounds like she had an upbeat side. My nightstand is messy compared to your beautiful tidy one.

Serena Lewis said...

Beautiful bedside tables, Vee. I wish I could keep my bedside table as lovely and sparse as you do but I can't....mine is way overcrowded which you will see for yourself when I post my pics later today. :)

The hippo globe is so sweet!

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I used to have a clean bed side table until I had kids. Mine is full of books, books and more books.

Hippos are my favourite animal.

Elena said...

Ok, please say you cleaned it for the photo ops! So clean! And I love the story of the globe and the memories associated w/ it.

Unknown said...

This is really sweet Vee, I like it! I like to keep things sparse and simple too. And keep the bedroom for... sleeping. Mostly. ;o)

Hope you're having a great evening and that the weather is still good. If you don't like the weather there, wait five minutes!

It snowed here this morning. Woohoo! ;o)

Jennifer Rose said...

aww cute hippos :D
hehehe rat bum, never heard that phrase before

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Oh Vee, you are a neat freak like me! LOL
Love that hippo globe!


Shashi Nayagam said...

Oh how nice and tidy. Now I wish mine was like that the trouble is even if I had it like that my DH would find it very inviting to dump his stuff there lol!