... and...colourful... ya gotta say that about 'em. The dishwasher was full and I forgot to turn it on, so we resorted to patio plates. I love those brightly coloured little birdies...
Boneless, skinless chicken thighs... with garlic, honey and spices. My latest fav salad... chickpeas, cucumber and tomatoes with lots of fresh parsley. Lemon zest grated on... oil, some lemon juice, a bit of balsamic drizzled over...sprinkle on some sweet basil and cumin.... mmmmmm. A few lettuce leaves tossed onto the plate under it...good enough. Some homemade bread toasted to clean up the salad juice.... and there was a glass of white too.... earlier.... hahahahha...

luckily, some of the garden is still flourishing.... all by itself... because I haven't been out there much the past week or so...

look...I grew a coneflower! or maybe it grew in spite of me.

and this..... eventually this will be my finished exercise room. The treadmill gets plenty of use in the cold weather. But, lately this room has become the drop zone...for everything. It even looks tidy in this pic as we already moved out much of it. I couldn't have leaped over all of to make it to the treadmill the past month or so.....thankfully that is gone now.... and it is empty today, awaiting some new paint. Then... along with the two other rooms....carpeting..... sigh.... four rooms on the go at the same time is rugged..... nothing feels permanent in my whole life right now..... but, soon......I keep telling myself that.... soooooonnnnn!! oh, please let it be soon. Over 20 years of renovations is more than enough for anyone.... there is only one wall in this house that we have not touched now. The main bearing wall.
Good Morning Vee!!!I can't grow a coneflower.I try and try.We have been eating kind of lite ourselves.To hot to eat to heavy.I know what you mean about always renovating something.It never ends.Always something must get done or redone.But wouldn't we get bored if we lept the same old ,same old??? What your making these days Hon?I've been working on my Christmas stocking wall hangs and redoing the three dang ugly pink dolls that crazy lady ored me to make and never picked them up.So I got stuck with them.Thats why I don't like taking oredrs.They want them made their way,then don't get them and now your stuck with them...LOL, Talk about redos.Gotta get back to work.Hugs hon...Marie Antionette
20 years? I don't know how you have stood it. We're just going on our 5th year and I'm so weary of it I could weep. When do you think you will be finally be done? I've given up trying to predict when we'll be done. Every job we take on ends up taking longer and being more difficult than we expect.
Oh you have patience of a mountain 20 years is a long time.
The food looks delicious.
that chicken sound delicious and those plates are gorgeous. nice bright colours :)
20 years! o.0 hopefully you are finished soon and you can relax :)
Vee, the food sounded delicious hope you enjoyed it. :)
20 years of renovations, I would have left the place already! LOL
Hope you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with the work.
That coneflower is lovely!
That salad sounded yum!
I don't know how you do it Vee. 20 years!!
Hi Vee,
Lovely meal on the table.
You sound busy with all the work around the house.
It is an ongoing job, I know our house is like that too.
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