Just got home from B.C. again.... at my sister's poor dry hillside.... and..it was stifling hot. Even the cats were hardly moving. Too hot to whack a golf ball and besides that ... there was a fire at the golf course...the club house was burned to the ground. Forest fires everywhere in the vicinity and thick smoke hanging in the air.... everybody keeping a close eye on their surroundings. Temperatures hovered around 41/42C which equates to 105/107F ..... it was bloody hot. Last night we had a huge thunderstorm with wild lightning and deep booming thunder... so were standing out in the pounding rain trying to pet a couple horses and assure them all was well... then we sat on the porch totally drenched ...after doing our little happy rain dance and stomping in the rivulets running down the driveway...and sipped tea and grinned. Rain. YaaaaaY... !!! the parched grass even got a sort of light greenish look to it...or were we just imagining it? Probably. It is totally dead and brown ... looks as golden as the ripe hay across the road.
Four fire bombers flew by really low to the ground and we did panic slightly...wondering if they were going to a new fire just started by the lightning....but, thanks to radio and phone calls... found it was the guys returning to their base after dousing the nearby Kelowna fire. Whew. We were ready to halter and get the hell out of there..... with 5 cats and two horses...that would have been a bit of a rodeo....
Came home to pouring rain here and temperatures that are 30 degrees lower than hers... it will be cold golfing here in the morning with only about 8 degrees...which equates to about ...oh....46F.......... ridiculous...... 6 hours away....over the mountains. ....
Funny I didn't lose a pound or two..but, nope.... still hung onto it. It was hot enough we didn't even dare turn on a stove and cook...forget that. And didn't really feel like eating much anyway... so most afternoons...we had a great little smoothie we concocted. Different each day according to what fruits and juices we had on the go. One day we were so busy shoveling (compost and horsy poo) that it got to be late afternoon. We were tired and not hungry, but good and thirsty and hot...so, we decided to make it into a happy hour smoothie... she had a slurp of Tequila in hers...I had Vodka in mine....mmmmmm..... icy cold fruitsplosionsmoothies...........
look how pretty ....

Yep... pretty pink wine glasses too..... and our almonds for some added calcium...
This little quiltie is made by Lorraine from Busy Fingers Boutique in a small town named Lone Butte, B. C. I don't quilt, but the ladies who do will admire this one. It is a little beauty...
okay...off to bed...I'm bagged.
I'll get around to all of your blogs sometime tomorrow.....
Goodness, how dramatic - how do we Brits ever dare to complain about the weather? We rarely need to do rain dances!
Glad you are all OK! Sounds scary!
Glad you had some respite after the high temperatures. That wine glass full of smoothies look delicious.
Wow ! those fires are somethin' Mother NAture at it again. Glad you're home safe to Mr.BVee xo from les Gang
Hi Vee,
It must be so scary with the fires raging around. Sorry about the golf club house burning down.
Do take care and enjoy your fruit smoothies.
Hello Vee, I've been hearing about the BC fires ... pretty scary! I'm so glad that your sister remains in a safe environment. I thought we had it hot here ... wow, those are very high temperatures in Kelowna. Glad you are back, I missed reading your postings. I was about to call you ... kept wondering if you were ok.
Good grief, what a change in weather from your sister's home to your's. Those wildfires are awful, aren't they? A couple of years ago, we had a smokey summer due to wild fires in the state. I got so tired of that smell and the eyes stinging from the smoke. Hope your weather warms up so that you are comfortable when you golf.
Glad you are safe and sound and those smoothies are lovely! That cat looks so much like my Rosie I had to stop and think where I was, LOL!!
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