Saturday, October 19, 2019

Heart of a leaf..

This one is for you Shashi..

It was as big as my hand with fingers totally spread out.... fell from our Columnar Aspen.

The leaves are still green even after several pretty cold days and two major snowfalls.  No leaves have fallen from the crabapple tree at all yet... all have just stayed green, dried out and curled a bit..but still like they are glued onto the branches.   The early cold must have something to do with that.

Yesterday we had high winds and some of the aspens leaves floated down... and one or two did blow off the other crab in the front yard... today...the backyard is more or less littered with aspen leaves... time to rake.

When I found this big guy I couldn't resist.... I had seen a heart cut out of a leaf somewhere in I made one too.

I should have photographed something beside it...for perspective... it was about 7 inches across...


Magpie's Mumblings said...

What a great idea! Maybe you could preserve the leaves with glycerin (don't ask me how you do it, but I know people do).

Shashi Nayagam said...

Oh I am glad you posted the picture. The leaf looks really pretty even without the fall colour. I always go picking leaves that have fallen in the autumn . Each leaf looks so beautiful.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

Love the little heart and such a sweet idea.
Hope all is well with you, stay warm


sandy said...

You had me at "aspen leaves"... Love love them. Cute heart in the leaf.