Sunday, August 5, 2012

I love Boris...

...he always has a smile.  Russians.  They know how to deal with adversity.  I wish I had some Russian blood.

The 'Reno' continues ....... and becomes ever more inclusive.... of course.  The age of the house plays against us....the wiring needs to be brought up to code and every time we peel off another sheet of drywall...more ancient wiring (along with tatty insulation).  Well, relatively speaking... because it is only 46 years old at the most .... .. and some years less than that for all other renovations since the house was built. codes, ya know.... with some big changes from as recent as 2 years ago.. I think the poor electrician has finally got it all done.... with the exception of a new sub panel which we need to add several areas.... that will be after the inspector gives his okay.

Baked some great chocolate chip cookies in my tiny toaster oven.  What an amazing job that little thing does!  Look at these!  Sure, I can only bake 6 at a time ...but, come on ...who needs to bake more than a dozen at a time anyway?  The electrician, the contractor, Mr. BV and me.... all laughed, but, definitely enjoyed a warm cookie straight out of the oven.  Who needs a stove anyway?

Tomorrow, the plumber will be back..... We also went to the door and handle shop..... made some choices ....have chosen lights and fixtures....  some sconces for the en suite bathroom showed up on the porch .... hate when that notice from the delivery guy...we just noticed it because we wandered around to the front to check out what things were looking like out there.  We are using the back doors seeing as all is under construction out front....


Jennifer Rose said...

hmm now i want cookies lol

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Hi Vee Sweetie,
I am back! :)
My o my you are still with renovations. :(
Hope everything gets sorted soon so you can have peace and quiet once again and bake in your large oven. VBG
But nothing stops you from baking as I can see! You are too much! LOL
Those chocolate chip cookies look really tempting..yum,yum,yum
Hugs and I just uploaded something new to my blog. Please have a look and leave a comment if you can.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

LOL...I have a koi fish named Boris.Russians are a very strong people.
What alot of work you are doing.renovactions take time. The cookies look amazing though.
Take care Vee,
XXOO Marie Antionette

Lin said...

When life hands you a toaster make cookies!! Hahaha! It's fun to be creative when all else is not working around you. Good thinking, my friend!