Thursday, June 17, 2010

another fun thing....

it is a rotten, cold, rainy, dark and windy day here ..... middle of summer and a paltry +8C..... pagh.... a perfect day for a great summery photo of Miss PrimRose .... from the PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary.  Perks me up no end!

This was a capture by Gayle... who took plenty of snaps at Sheaffer's birthday and auction .. remember the auction? Otis and Sage flew there? .... well, .... over at 7 MSN ... another blog that has donkeys (among its other fun and funny animal inhabitants) ... and also a clever owner, who is, at the moment, giving lessons on how to "fix" photos... this was one of the chosen few and look what a wonderful job Linda has done with it!

See the original on the had people and other extraneous "stuff" in it.... things that detracted from sweet PrimRose herself....but, this!!  What a great shot of her now.  Head on over to the Ranch and check out all of the photography.  The photos are AMAZING>>>   And, if you are not.. repeat, "not" as lazy as me... you, too, can get some hints on how to fix your not- so- perfect photos....... I keep threatening to get Photoshop on here...but.... so far...... la la la....... nope..................... I'm lazy, don't have enough time... have many excuses.... have too much to do in our extremely short summer...which seems to be getting shorter each year.  I try to do all the indoor stuff on rainy days and never see the inside of this house on a sunny one.....

Pretty in's just the thing for such a dull day... it is soooo dark in here that I've got all the lights on just to see where I'm going....


Terra said...

Miss Primrose is indeed pretty in pink. We all have our different talents, and have to pick and choose where to spend our precious time so not all of us are photographers (not me), or bear makers or writers or ...

Petrinetrollmor said...

Yes, she is certainly pretty in pink. The weather is not good here either. Its too cold. Im freezing. But I have to keep me warm by felting and knitting wool.

Lets hope the sun visit both you and me.

Serena Lewis said...

How clever! Pretty in pink all the way!

Anonymous said...

The most I do to my photos is crop them - I want people to see things as I see them, not a tarted up version - or is that an excuse for being lazy!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

I love the sweet photo of Miss Primrose.
Sorry your weather is not great there, I hope that it changes so you can hit the golf course for a round.

Happy weekend

sandy said...

ahh adorable donkey.

word verification: "hyper"

.....Okay I admit it.