I'm still struggling with the Mac.... the photo uploading to the blog in particular. When I go to select a photo via the little "add image" icon... it takes me directly to a page of thumbnails, which should show me all the photos...but, for some reason... usually the last two or so uploads of photos... doesn't show up. Sigh...I clicked all over the place trying to figure out what went wrong...and Mr. BV did his clicking too. Finally he got lucky and clicked on the list of things at the left of our photo page and something happened to move them into the last position on the grid of "events" as Mac likes to call them. But... today when I went to get some pics...same thing...and no matter how many times I clicked on that particular area.... NOTHING happened. The air was blue....there were a lot of "French" words...and finally...they appeared where I needed them...but, by then... I was ticked. And....I still know not why it works that way.... I want my old way back....waaaaahhhhhhh!!! or... maybe I better go to the Mac store. But...I'm totally intimidated to go ... yet..... maybe next week I'll feel braver. ~~~~~~~~~
ONwards with something I CAN do.... something I liken to a Rumpelstiltskin trick....I can stab wool into bears. Hahahha....not quite the same as turning straw to gold...but, close....
Remember little Darla? the cutest little natural wool bear? ...I sold her. Shouldn't 'a' done that!
I've been trying to make a second Darla...and finally got one that is close. There can never be two alike... although
Paint Granny manages to get lots of hers to look like triplets and twins... how does she do that? more practice I guess.... I don't make nearly enough yet...

Darla "2" on the left of the original...
the first Darla.. side view .....
new Darla....... see how the nose is a bit more pointy? not as deep down to her chin ?
new Darla...

Original Darla.... both are very sweet.....and I'm keeping the second one ... this one is mine, all mine!
so cute
awww :D very cute. she looks almost exactly like the first :)
If you did not point the difference or it would be a quiz to find the difference - I would probably not even notice !
Just wonderful, cute, adorable bears!
New Darla is gorgouse!!!
I hope you fix the computer problem soon.
OMG! New Darla is gorgeous and, while the slight difference might not make her an identical twin, she's darned close! SO adorable! I wish I could stab wool into bears...does the process take long?
Re. MAC - There must be somewhere in the settings where you can take the control back and tell that rebellious MAC what to do. Don't let it beat you, girl!
Sandra Evertson
Such a cutie!!!
I'm amazed by your magical ability to spin wool into bears XD
I wouldn't feel bad about going into the MAC store and asking questions. The initial transition from PC to MAC... SUCKS!!!
When I first started using MACs... I was in a computer lab at school, and all the kids around me were putting discs into the disc drive... and I didn't even know how to open the thing! I sat there staring at the computer for half the class until I finally saw the kid next to me press some button on his keyboard!!
Oh! And I also emailed you my address :)
Your little bears are so beautiful!
I like how each Darla has her own personality!
Hi Vee,
Darla # 1 & # 2 are beautiful.
You have mastered the art of needlefelting well. I have never tried it.
Both Darla's are just to darling for words. You create the sweetest bears, Vee!
How adorable!!
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