We've got a few screws loose... In actuality, some people think we're just totally bonkers.... probably most of our family members and friends. They know the story (or should I say stories..because there are plenty of them..including the horror variety) of our 20+ years of renovating. Every time they see us they ask what we are doing now. Every letter I ever wrote to my Mom had something about house fixing in it...even before I had this particular house. It was apartments..etc..
When we bought this house in the late 80's... (it was all we could afford and was a disaster...but solidly built) we had a loosely woven plan to do some "fixing"... mostly simple things, and it would only have take a few years....but, no.... it has gone on and on...... and.....on..... !! now it has taken on a life of its own. Has become the proverbial MoneyPit. The initial "doing" was hired out...but, that soon became a real problem... so we began to do it ourselves. That has also become a problem.. ..a long running problem, because in between work and living... there just isn't enough time to work many hours on huge projects...like gutting and redoing a bathroom from stud walls and no ceiling to completion (that one took over a year) .... .. then a laundry room.. (took all of this last year) then...well, you see my point.... And... we are driving ourselves crazy. Not far to go now....

4 rooms on the go at the moment....oh, and ... also the kitchen too because I am working on sealing the tiles we just put behind the stove....and now...have discovered an interesting method of doing backsplashes. Not sure yet on the cost..or if it will be "do-able" in our situation...but, it could be. We will get a rough estimate on the materials .. perhaps this coming week and if it happens..... well, it could be an interesting look. Our kitchen at the moment is a bit of a blank palette.... could use a splash of colour... .. this would definitely be all of that.....

......meantime..... I've forgone smoothies ..........
Next time you are out shopping, try the whole wheat Stonewheat thins. I like them better than the original. Got two vegetarians living with us now so that's how I got onto the whole wheat ones. I am so glad our renos are done. All we have to do is get newer windows - but that will be someday. Actually our basement could be better but what the heck...
there needs to be more time in the day to get DIY projects done. what is this interesting way of doing a backsplash? Even tho we rent, we have spent a lot of time and money fixing this flat up as its things the council will not fix or fix horribly :/
you all are so ambitious with your renovating, lord knows this old house needs lot's but we can't even bring ourselves to get a painting job done, LOL!! The smoothies look delicious!
You are undergoing a true odyssey of DIY. Eventually you will have it all spiffyed up and gorgeous, but what a lot of work you are doing.
Hi Vee,
Forgone the smoothies and hit the bottle. You would need a glass of wine after all your work.
Working on your house sounds a lot like ours, ongoing and always something to do.
Good luck with it.
you sure do deserve to relax with a glass of wine after all the hard work you're putting in renovating. being renters, we can't renovate but i'm always changing the decor somewhere in the house which means i'm usually giving fresh coats of paint on the accent pieces or painting something new.
I do hope you can put your feet up soon. Lets see who is going to finish you are Linda lol!
You're a better woman than me! I would have lost my mind by now. We've only been at it for 5 years and I'm so sick of living in a mess, I dread getting out of bed each morning. I pray for an early death-LOL!
I want to see renovation pictures! thanks re the dove! a dove expert just emailed me, so I feel a bit happier - and yep - what is one more! I think we are turning into a bird and animal sanctury for sure!!:O)
Good luck with it all! :o)
Hello Vee,
"Enough wine, and get to work!" Just kidding I'm trying to humor you ... I hope I was successful.
Take a break, enjoy another bottle of wine ... it will all get done, my dear. One needs projects in life to keep a person going and to report on (which we love to hear about). Take care.
Hugs ... Maria
Hello Vee, I know what you mean.Yu never have hardly anytime because you always have to work on something ,or the yard needs doing.On and on , like you said.I hate it worse whem my hubby is home.Get me this ,get me that...I'm hungry.Here;s my fav.Marie,there is a spider web on the wall,whens the last time you cleaned that.LOL...
Oh Well, such is life.We art to be happy we have a home.
Thanks for stopping by.I'll put your name into the hat.XXOO Marie Antionette
Money pit, Pandora's box ...homes just like children are an endless drain on one's finances and patience. But then again if you weren't renovating what else would you be doing?
Making dolls and bears, drinking smoothies, biking around the mountain paths, watching the clouds...
Enjoy your wine and wheat thins.
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