See here.... ...I've still got a few bits of pirate treasure left for another night of merrymakin'..........

.. ship's long gone.... better find me a couple of sea turtles... . and a way to get this body back to human form....
A swashbuckler that I made for a doll club challenge ...
Whoooa! Ahoy and avast to ya! What a dashing pirate you've got there.... where ye been sailin' to come across such a handsome specimen as he? Smooth sailin' to ya, and enjoy the Soiree or y'll be forced to swab the decks, aaarrrhhhh!
Karen sailing as The Lady of The Sea....
Lovely pirate You´ve got here! And pearls...I love pearls!
Cheers Matey!
Odds bodkins, there's a gaggle of wenches that have been lookin' fer this fellow... He might be better off where he is!
You did a fantastic job with him!
Magpie Sue
Thank you for the comment! No my sister bought the dragon. She has three and is planning to get more. ^-^
Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---
Yes the rum is ALWAYS gone! lol
Aubenre' Ancalimon @-`---
Whew- it's great to see a swarthy MAN joining in on the voyage. Thanks for sailing along!!
Wow! Your doll is amazing!!
xx Nancy
Beautiful dolls and characters, you have an amazing talent with these little creatures. The pirate party has been a good opportunity to get out and meet all kinds of creative folks. Thanks for sharing.
I love your pirate doll. Beautiful work.
I knew it was me ye wanted all along! Us swarthy types must stick together, handsome fella that'cha are! Now fetch me more rum,and let's party into the wee hours!
Oh Vee your pirate is dashing a perfect symbol of his occupation.
I hope you didn't go out on the bike after all that rum!
Thanks for joining us at the soiree but I think next time it should be BYOB.
xo Susan
Oh-my-goodness....he is amazing!! Love all of the amazing detail you put into him!!
Glad to see him joining in on the wild pirate goings-on :)
Oh No Johnny has some competition. What a creation, he is pirate beautiful!
Your right I do love him! I think it's awesome how you did his hands. He's beautiful!
He's a fabulous addition to the soiree...a true pirate!! Love his costume and the wee details!
'twas a grand soiree....thankee all fer stoppin' by..... and thanks to Donna... the lass responsible.....
there's still time to sail in an' out of a few more ports, n' ships and shops... a few more posts on more blogs...bein' as they don't just disappear...they become part o' the ship as it were.... part o' the "Blog" ..... meself, I kinda like lookin' at the backlog of postins' if I find somethin' of interest...
A cross between the Pirates of the Carribean and Edward Scissorhands! Did you model your pirate on Johnny Depp? x
That is an awesome doll!! Thnaks for sharing him with us. Happy Soiree!:)
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