But, at least I did something about it.
Actually, I did not realize that is what it was called....( I mean the "compote", not the envy ) ... I rarely have envy. I am cheap to keep...little things make me pretty happy. Treasure hunts and special finds make me even happier. Found this in the jumble that was the apres Christmas hodge podge table at the Bay... now I am on the look out for another just like it. 40% off and it was only $ 29 to begin with. There were several different shapes..but I like this one. I will try to find a second, different size if they have one, at another Bay in a day or so. Too busy today.
Before Christmas I kept seeing these beautiful glass containers filled with ornaments, or fresh cranberries, pine cones and all sorts of other decorative things. Some of the women referred to them as "compotes". Compote just didn't compute to me. I always thought a compote was a special little dish of fruit with some liqueur or other fruity liquid poured over.... okay...just a minute... in the midst of writing I must find one of those posts.... be right back. Darn it... couldn't find one. I know some of the ladies with the decorating, vintage and crafty blogs had them..I can SO see the one with the pink and silver baubles in it in my mind's eye! 'fess up if you see this post...so I can link to it okay? then the others can see what I am talking about....... please? It could be great for Valentine's Day too.... with some pink, red and silver or gold thingies in it....
And speaking of Cupid's day... here is my start on something with his colours.
I doubled up on square gold plates under my cactus (which, sadly, has no blooms now) Why couldn't they have lasted another month or so? I set the pot on some scrunched red cellophane basket wrap, a few sprigs of springy raffia and laid in a few heart shaped cookie cutters.

Darly is having a give away on her blog, Pearls 'n Peapods in return for a recipe.. a huge chunk of vintage fabric.... Off you go to check that out. While you are at it, read a few of her entries.... your laugh for the day awaits...she makes me laugh right out loud, just sitting here at my computer all by myself.
Gotta love those after Christmas sales:-) Last Autumn I had found one of those glass compotes at the thrift shop but mine is made like an extra large brandy glass! For Autumn I had put pinecones and Fall leaves in it...at Christmas I put vintage glass ornaments in it:-) As you say, you can put whatever you want in them. I'll have to see what I have to put in mine for Valentine's!! xox
I'll be checking your blog MsPea...to see if you have any Valentine decorating tips ... as if you will have time with your other "decorating" on the go... lol
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