Monday, January 29, 2018

more little Nuthatchies.....

And....a Downy....   Woodpecker, that is...

Just because they are so cute and I stood out in the cold to try for some closer-ups....

One little guy (or girl)  is pretty feisty and brave.  He just kind of peeps softly and stays right on the nut dispenser all the time I am there.  But, then... when I least expect it... he whizzes past my ear on his way to the Juniper tree.  Or to flit back to get my attention.  It is tough to get focused even with Auto Focus, and get a clear shot of him/her.... they flit back and forth to the lilacs and off to a big spruce across the street.... man, they're fast.

You can see them closer too if you like .. just click on the photo ....

This little guy comes to peck on the suet cage and then...kind of falls asleep or dozes for a bit....leaning further and further back...til almost a backbend... he is very flexible.  But, kind of strange...he stays on there til somebody bigger, like a Norther Flicker manages to get his attention and off he goes.  He even stays there while I shovel snow in the patio.  Weird. 


Magpie's Mumblings said...

What great pictures! All of our windows are covered with permanent screens so trying to get birdie pictures is pretty much impossible. The camera insists on focusing on the screen instead of the birds.

Lin said...

I LOVE nuthatches! I love how they peep-peep up and down trees...headfirst. I don't have many of these because we don't have many trees in our yard...but they are one of my favorite birds! Good photos.

Shashi Nayagam said...

Lovely shots. I love the nut hatches but they are such untidy eaters at my feeders. However the pigeons are glad as they get to srounge from the floor😀