Sunday, October 27, 2013

What a difference a day makes!

....  or a few days .... although, the past few have been as beautiful as the last posting.

But, this morning, as forecast..... this is what we see outside our windows...

There isn't any frost on my pumpkins...I don't have any...but, I do have snow on the Hawthorne berries and leaves....

It's accumulating in the slats of the patio privacy screen....

The small crabapples on the flowering crabapple look like frozen maraschino cherries...

The snow is being driven sideways at almost a 45 degree angle by a stiff breeze from the north...and, I'm thinking .....baking ....baking....baking....hmmmm....what shall I bake? .........


Lin said...

Ugh. I'm not ready for snow yet.

Mary Ann Tate said...

Eeeeek! The white stuff!!!! Shiver.

It went from lovely and warm to very wet here and then we had hail. Sheesh and it's only October:( I think baking sounds like a nice warm pastime.

Vikki said...

Hi BumbleVee,

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. It is a very nice blog you have here, I've just started making cloth dolls so your blog is welcome inspiration! Hope your baking went well, best place to be when its cold & horrid :-)

Vikki x

Magpie's Mumblings said...

The 's' word - definitely one of the four-letter sort in my vocabulary. We had a bit of it earlier in the week but fortunately it didn't stay. I've had quite enough to last me the winter already!!

Dolores said...

We haven't see any of the white stuff yet but there was frozen rain last week. Magpie's area got some this past weekend. She is northeast of us. Our little pocket just seems to be passed over quite often when there's nasty weather around. Strange because we live right by a big lake.