But, then, why would you? I'm so irregular with postings that a week or two here and there wouldn't seem out of place.
So, I was away... visiting my sister in the next province... a 7 hour drive away....
Look what she has been saving for me... of course, for non fabric crafters it won't mean much...but, to the stitching group I belong to ..and those that know about fabrics and crafting with it.... it's a great find!
Two vintage blouses..one hand made. She had very elderly relatives who used to make their own clothing... they were very frugal ladies ... pioneers in the area many years ago... and learned early on how to sew for themselves and get by on little or nothing, but, still look good doing it..

This one is a very soft cotton fabric in equally soft yellow colour, with an interesting panel down the front as well as on the sleeves. You can hardly see the button ..but, they are all still there and are cute little swirls in clear plastic... still in perfect shape. Somebody hand laundered this blouse at least 973 times, I'm sure. .... it is so soft and fragile feeling... the cotton is pretty much transparent now, but, still plenty sturdy enough to use for pin pillow trim and the like.
We also checked out her local thrift store in the tiny town she is near. It's always very busy .. plenty of folks in the area shop at thrift and second hand stores... we love to shop there because it's so much fun and hey, we always come away with bargains and stuff we can use. She likes to buy her "farm clothes" there. Why buy new stuff to shovel poo or paint fences? Pants, shirts, boots and jackets that are used but still plenty serviceable are a necessity to farmers. I like to check out the corner with little trinkets and bits of sewing stuff...this time I got 5 metres of lace for $1.50 ! Then, we went to Winners and found Ralph Lauren slacks for $30 ... it was a pretty good shopping spree....
Then, we had a sandwich at a local little restaurant, went home to pet cats .... and went for a walk down the road to check out some cute crazy goats.
They look all civilized in the shot below...but, they are totally nuts! they race up to the fence at breakneck speed... stick their heads out through the squares of wire up to their shoulders and their heads are hard as rocks... if you are standing too close? ... well, you could get hurt....

They just about had the fencing stretched out of shape...all for a bit of grass.... which, by the way...they had in their enclosure but, preferred the longer, greener, moister stuff...I guess.
Her grandson wasn't taking any chances and I don't blame him.... better safe than head butted...
one tried to eat my camera....
Sounds like you had a great visit. Wonderful lacy finds, too.. hard to resist aren't they?
I love goats.. they are so fun as pets.. they do have super hard heads. I know what you mean with their crazy head butting.. it is a wonder they don't knock themselves out... and they will get in the darnedest places if they get half a chance.
Looks like you had great weather during your visit. It's always nice to find bargains.
My favourite shopping spree is to hit as many thrift stores as I can. It's great fun to see what treasures can be found. There's where most of my stash has been found.
Hi again Vee,
Love those Vintage blouses. The front panel on one of them is very unique. I can see that you had a lovely time shopping and visiting.
The goats are really cute but I would keep away! :)
Please visit my blog when you get a chance. I uploaded a Bon Voyage doll and an Altered Spoon. Please leave a comment. :)
Looks like you had a lovely time. Beautiful blouses and laces. Such delicate work.
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