Monday, January 30, 2012


I hear every so often that some folks are having problems leaving comments on other blogs ... apparently this might help. Found it through another blogger....

it is as simple as changing some settings... for those NOT using Safari or Firefox...

just popped on to say......  and I'm afraid that's it for today.... off to physio now....

catch ya later...


Dolores said...

I hope your physio helps. Not nice to be out of commission.

Unknown said...

Hello Vee, Just popping by for a visit and and to say hello. I just can't believe you're still struggling with your injury ...unbelievable. It seems to be taking forever to heal. What's going on?
Lovely to see your a bit like myself .... you get tied up with one thing or another. They say it's not good to multitask and 'slowing down' and 'being in the moment' is better for you! So enjoy your 'moments' and don't feel pressured to please anyone but yourself. Take care. Susan

Shashi Nayagam said...

Thanks Vee. I guess I will have to pass on this link on my blog too as I am unable to comment on some blogs and I wonder how many know about it. So I shall go and spread this around too. Hope your physio goes well today.

Louise said...

Hope all went well at physio. I haven't ever had any problem commenting .. it's difficult to keep me quiet at the best to times! x

That Craft Place Ltd said...

Ah thank you for being the first! Hope physio went well, you would love hob nobs! Will have to send u some lol! X