Not that long ago, I had him on my Etsy page as one of my favs.... because he was so sweet looking... and then...he went on sale ...and then...'s just one of those little faces who have to come live at my house because by then.... erm..., who could refuse him a home? Not me!
Same as the saying about "beauty being in the eye"..blah, blah...I'm sure cute is also probably only in the eye of the beholder and how each beholder perceives cute...... and my perception of cute is Ogi...
He came all the way from Poland... and his little toque and scarf are hand knit... worth the price just for those. I must ask her if she would knit a few more little things for some of my tiny bears. I don't know how to knit. She obviously has it down pat.
Agnieska (check out her Flickr site to see her felting) is a needle felter I met via my Flickr site.... she stopped by to see my needle felted bears one day and we struck up some conversation. Check out her Etsy site to see her little bears, dogs and other critters.. her prices are very affordable if you would like to get a little fellow of your own...
It doesn't have to be Christmas for me to appreciate a snowman...this is Canada after all. Lots of us have "after Christmas" wreaths for our doors...or huge pots of twigs, greenery, pinecones, berries etc... usually no glitter or ribbons .... just lovely-to-look-at winter decor. And, why not? Winter is going to be hanging around these parts for many months yet. We like to put some colour and fun out there to complement the snowy or dull surroundings. Right now... we do have some snow and it is pretty...but, some weeks... it is just dull, brown, and dead really.... except for some doorway and porch decor.
My little snowman will be an indoor guy. Sitting on my dining room table... with plants. He won't melt. And he has an occasional bear to keep him company...
He is very, very cute!!
Awwww.....he's cute:) I love the picture in your header....loverly.
Yes, he is absolute very cute !!
You made me do it. Yes, you did. His brother Iwo is coming to Toronto.
Your new little snowman is adorable! A very wise purchase indeed! And you are right. No need for Christmas to have your snow people out! Very cute! We don't have a lot of snow right now and the temperature is way nicer than last week. But...that's enough winter now. Be gone cold white snow!
xo Catherine
He's adorable - I went real quick and looked at her other critters - that first one I think it is, cracks me up, with the big tooth smile.
I think he fits the defnition of cute very well! Lucky him to come live at your house!
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