Cloudy and cooler yesterday .... and last night was very cool ... down to -5C...brrrr.... too early for that (it's always too early for that!) and since today would have been a golfing day .... the old guys and I decided it would be silly to be out there in earmuffs or toques and still be cold.
I worked on my "inchy" instead. Rain was the keyword for this week's challenge but, I tossed in a rainbow for good measure....

If you would like to play along and make some inchies.... check us at INCHYBYINCH. They are only one inch by one don't take up a lot of time ... as a matter of fact for me, the biggest holdup is just planning it in my head. I don't even like to put a pencil on the paper til I have a plan. Maybe it would be better to just doodle a bit and see what happens. Maybe next week I'll give that a try. But..hey...look! I'm early this week and feel good about that.... don't think I'll go overboard on trying to totally change my methodology....

Here's something else I just made.... a great plum loaf, and even though it belongs on my food and recipe blog... I just have to show it off .... it is every bit as yummy as it looks. As a matter of fact, this is one of the tastiest loaves I've made. If you have plums.... mmmmm.... make it..... the recipe calls for Italian plums or prune plums and I finally discovered what those are. They are just the smallish plums that everybody had on little old wizened trees in backyards when we were kids. I think the round plums in the shops would probably taste about the same....but... I did score some of the right type...and oh, is it yummy!
I picked the last two persistent pansies and some other little blossoms as well ..... attempting to enhance the colours of the plums. The girls on the site where I found this recipe have a beautiful dahlia with their loaf.... but the pansies are very pretty too. Scroll down under the recipes for "quick breads" to find this one ..... it's a great site; lots of amazing recipes and their photographs are beautiful.
Great inchy - I love the addition of the rainbow too!
Love your inchy :) I haven't done any more of those...
That plum loaf looks yummy...
Oh, I'm a wee bit down now. Something my OH said (see my blog.)
And I think the pain inmy back is finally getting to me! I think the painkillers have stopped working. Poo! We had sunshine and blue skies like a spring day, and I can't go for walks in it!! It's so frustrating.
I'll go and make some tea and hug The Bear.
Your rainy inchie is just as adorable as your others. And speaking of eain, we've had some nice rains this week.
Oh Vee, your breads always look so yummy! Good bread is my diet downfall.
Cute inchie. We all need a rainbow to cheer us up when it's raining :o)
Brilliant inchy hun WTG xxxx
Sweet little inchie.
Your plum loaf looks delicous.... yum!
Also I love your pansies ~ they have to be one of the sweetest little flowers - they always remind me of a bright and cheerful face.
Have a great weekend and I hope that it is not too cold, so you can have a round of golf.
Hi Vee...I left you a message about your wonderful comment today.
Well, that plum loaf just makes my mouth water. I try to not eat bread (just a little low carb bread) and desserts (ok, I break that rule a lot), but your breads do make me question my sanity. I checked out the Mennonite girls blog and it's really packed full of delicious looking recipes. Those little "burger babies" look really good, though I wouldn't put meat in them...just pure, sweet butter.
liked your inchie today.
Well done timing wise.... pat on the back coming your way!
I love the inchy its so sweet ....
Going to check out the recipe for the plum loaf too as it looks almost too good to eat:)
The plum loaf looks yummy! Diet? what diet? :o)
I like yor inchy it's funny hehe :@) an mmmmmm that plum loaf looks yum!!!
Great inchy even if you did procrastinate! I love the little drawings you do on them.
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