.... that is not the sound of the Fire engine. That is just me, doing my Lucy imitation, because I did not get the pics I wanted of a beautiful, big, close-up of a Fire engine sitting in the bay at the Fire Station!
Yesterday, I left the house with great intentions for photos for ABC Wednesday... check it out at Mrs. Nesbitts blog ..... hopped in the van with my camera and drove off to a Fire station. Parked as close as I could without being in the way if one had to whip out and walked over to ask if I could snap a couple of photos. Some days I just have more guts than others for some stupid reason. Yesterday was not one of those days. As I walked towards the place, I got all nervous... couldn't make myself go in .... and, so... wandered right past the front door and down the block.... carrying my camera.... damn!! But, that's me some days. Other days I am overly confident and manage to do things that could make a sailor blush... sheeeesh! Later, I could just kick myself for lacking the courage to do a simple thing like this. Oh, well, I have managed to do plenty in my life that I am proud of ... and... there will be other times. I keep telling myself that ... a lot.

As I wandered back towards the station I was thinking... "I bet if I just hang around for a while, one would come out"... after all it is a big city..."I bet they are pretty busy coming and going all day.... Hahaha.... wouldn't you know it! the big door opened and the red ladder truck rolled out just as I was getting close! I got so excited whipping out my camera that I forgot to set the zoom for a bit closer. I snapped the first; got a jolt when he turned on the siren that close to me, (I think they laughed when I jumped about 4 inches off the sidewalk) and quickly snapped a second while feeling hot prickles of surprise shooting up my spine and into the back of my head. Off he sped! Whew. Got 'im.... not a great shot, but at least I did get one. Actually I got three... here is the rest of the story.

I went back to my vehicle... briefly considered being an "ambulance chaser" of sorts (only this time it would be a fire truck) ... chase him down and get a close up, but decided to head towards home instead. There I was, stopped at a red light, when lo and behold... guess who was already returning to base? Yep..you guessed it. Big Red...again; grabbed the camera again...forgot to zoom again....and snapped him speeding past en route, again.

Hey, you get an "A" for effort! For some reason, I can only see the first picture, but it looks great to me!
no worries since it all turned out in the end ... and you need these .. why???
I can see all the photos -
oh, darn it I forgot to say what, why where....tx Judi...
ny eck that's dedication but I hope you didn't photo while driving - that'd be illegal here.
you are a funny one Vee, made me smile. Hugs from Miss Dixon and me.
Great pics, accompanied by an interesting story. Happy ABC Wednesday!
I agree with CC. You get an A for effort.
YOu sound just like me! I seldom have the nerve to ask if I can take a picture somewhere. YOu got some great pictures tho!
Ha! Way to go with all your snapping. fun times...
You are TOO funny! Good job! and great story. :D
Funny post! That's a F too!
Its a fine photo of a fire engine!
What a great F:)
Well you did good as i think you have the only fire truck
It all worked out fabulously!!
LOL you sound so much like me, confident one day and a real wuss the next day! hehe So often I've wanted to take pictures of something but if there's someone around, I get too shy and just walk right past it. lol At least you did manage to get a few pics of the firetruck:-) xox
You seem to like suspense!
Miss Yves
You know, its quite simple, to get a fire truck you have to start a fire, then the truck is all yours
You made me laugh Awesome post
This is a funny story. I cracked up...you considering to be an ambulance chaser. They must of thought you were an insane stalker.
I can so relate...sometimes the blogger nerves are made of steel and other times of bubbles!! Nice shots anyway.
Hmm...interesting post. Thanks for commenting my entry. :)
That is hilarious. I am shy, too, so I can only get a surrepticious one.
It was great fun following you! The last shot is very nice. :)
You did very well after all, and you got some nice shots - perseverance brings rewards!
Hi there, you asked about a link for my bikes, well you could try here http://tinyurl.com/37v9lx if it does not work let me know. Do you ride bikes, could you answer me on my f post pls and let me know if link worked
Thank you for stopping by. I can see why you took notice of the old fire house. Great shots!
What a fun post! I'll have to check out your link because whatever you're doing sounds very interesting.
How intriguing that you allow yourself to be timid on some days without beating yourself up. I am so like that! Some days I feel as if I could do anything and others I feel totally overwhelmed. Guess I should try being more gentle with those less-than-perfect times instead of a constant barrage of negativity heaped upon myself.
Hope that you're staying warm...very little snow there?
Hey- you got the picture- in fact several, so I say you did good!
I am like you- some days I can walk up to and say just about anything to someone, and other days, I can't make myself pick up the phone and call someone-LOL! I have no idea why I am like that , but it's just the way it is-LOL!
Hi Vee, Just getting back to blogging.. and I know i owe you an e-mail...it's coming... the treatment threw me for a loop but I am still here and fighting away. Hope all is well with you sweetie!!
Hugs, Folksie Linda
Honestly the lengths some people will go to get a snap of those good looking firemen! x
Hi there, one more try with the link, try this http://www.petermillerphotoworld.co.uk/9.html or got to my blog look on the left hand side click the link that says "my website" then look for the motorcycling link at the top of the page and click that. Thanks
He he he, they must have thought you were one of those ladies that have a thing about men in uniforms, bet you gave em a laugh and made their day.
I once stayed five days in a hotel on top of the Fire station in Dublin, Ireland. That was an experience...
I am a bit late in commenting, but better late than never!
hey Vee,
I've tagged you. I'm sure you know the drill ...you're supposed to post 7 random things about yourself ... and then tag 5-7 other bloggers. Hope you don't mind. xo S & Winn
I luv it wen I'm in the car an a fire engin goze parst!
Altho.... it's better if Dilly issent in there wiv us at the time as she likes to sing along to the siren!
well, some days just work out for us!! great shots!
Lol, oh I loved reading your firetruck story... I can sooo relate. And you got great photos too!
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