I've decided to award some of my commenters with this one as they make my day. Thanks to Vee (I know you have had this one before Vee...but, seeing as you don't post them on your sidebar, why not have it visible for another day?) To C.C. (who in the short time I have known her has already been one of only 3 to offer to play my Pay it Forward;has such a clever way with words that I just keep going back for another laugh ) Also, to busy Pea who has every award under the sun... and then some.... but maybe she doesn't have this one today? And, to Darly (who just out and out makes me laugh.... the way she can put her thoughts to paper !! .. well, onto the screen. Her little periwinkle coloured cottage is.. in her words ... a place "where its always okay for grownups to play" .. who can't use a visit like that? Its kinda like being at home.
So, ladies... thanks for making my day.....
And, I am passing this one along as well....

To Linda (whose blog has some of the most beautiful photos; she lives by the sea in the warmth...aaahhhh ... doesn't hesitate at all to share info and knowledge about her many creative endeavours, including photography; she often tosses in little tidbit to get us thinking, has humorous entries about her furry babies ... and is also a regular commenter and cheerleader on my site)
..... and to Judi, who has now taken on even more responsibility with the purchase and running of Doll Street...a site dedicated to doll makers. She also operates several blogs, one of which offers opportunity to pose craft related questions to which she and a knowledgeable group of friends endeavor to find answers... she lives at the opposite end of the world... in an igloo...hahah..not really, but it IS pretty cold in Alaska...
Anyway ladies... I thank you all for fun blogs to visit ... enjoy hearing from you when you visit mine; love hopping over to yours in anticipation of new info or beautiful pics whenever I see an updated blog title.
Thank you so much, Bumblevee! Your blog makes my day too! And your comments on my blog usually have me laughing hard...milk through the nose kind of laughing!
Dear V, I can't tell you how much this means to me that you thought of me to pass this award on to...it's not really the awards that matter to me, it's knowing that I have friends who truly enjoy coming to visit my blog:-) Thank you so very much!! xox
hullo Deary & Thank You so much. UR2 Sweet! Ive been working on a special little treat for you, but you have to be patient. I'm hving a bit of a creative block with it. Luv ya!
Thank you very much! I am humbled by your kind words (but my humbleness won't stop me from taking the award and displaying it proudly-hee hee!).
Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog! Bear making has taken a bit of a back seat recently. I'm now all knitting and photos (I'm doing a 365 project). Everytime I see the boxes full of bear supplies I do feel a pang to get them out and make some more.
Thank you, Sweet Vee! That's so nice of you.
hullo Deary,
Ive just tagged you. Rules on my blog if you would like to participate!
Oh, not tagged......sigh................
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