I have never see it on the kitchen and patio windows like this. Must have swirled off the roof and straight onto them... wet enough to stick...

looks kind of like frost..but..nope..it's just snow.
So..... look what I made yesterday! My first bread. Well, I say that... but sometime, somewhere in my dim, distant, prehistoric past...surely I must have baked bread at least once didn't I ? How can I not have? I love baking.. but, until now, I have been totally intimidated by breads. That ended yesterday. However, I really did have to scour books, the internet, etc..just to find a simple recipe. My old cookbook talked about 3rd rising..blah, blah... and when I began to read the convoluted instructions...no wonder I was intimidated... just too much...of everything. Finally found one in the booklet that came with my KitchenAid mixer. It didn't take very long either...next time I wait til afternoon to begin...so that Mr. Bumblevee gets to have a slice of warm, fresh bread slathered with butter... mmmmmmmmm... nothing better. I think it is the best a home can smell. Forget incenses or potpourri... ick..compared to the aroma of fresh bread? hah!

And the look on his face when he walked through that door? ... priceless.....
I'm with you, Vee- nothing smells better than bread baking! Your loaves look yummy and I am sure they taste just as good as they look.
Mmmmmmm now that I'm feeling a bit better, I'd love a slice of that fresh bread please:-) I use to make my own bread but after I got a bread machine, I was using that instead...not the same as doing it by hand, though!! Now that the boys have moved out, I hardly eat bread! lol xox
we bought our first breadmachine about 6 years ago and haven't bought bread since!
love the home made stuff and yup hot and fresh and buttered to dripping....mmmmm
now I'm hungry.
Oooo! Nothing beats the smell of fresh bread. I used to make all my own (lived on an island with no shops) and I made three large loves every day or two (there were 7 of us!) I never really liked crusts until I made my own. It must be eaten warm/hot and dripping with butter.
VERY bad for the waist!
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