what fun playing with the beautiful fabrics and colours...

From a distance you hardly notice the tiny pin striping in various colours..but it can make such a difference in whether or not it works with existing colour tones. Mr. B. still would prefer to paint walls a deeper shade..... he does love to paint.
Sages and silks....

Would you like fringes, danglies or piping with that? ......

Now, we wait.... for the bottom line...... $$$
Of course, then we could move on to the living room... oooooo the samples I saw for sofa cushion fabrics...... I want one of each of about 50 please..... so... now I need a huge mansion with about 10 to 15 sofas to play with there. Maybe I could just toss beautiful cushions around on the floor ..forget sofas and chairs......
Mummy keeps thretenin to by new kertens. Theez wuns hav been up since we moovd in...erm... March 2004.
Daddy sez they look OK to him.
Beautiful fabrics, Empress Veronica!
LOL! Someone's very clever with spelling...
Sounds like fun...hope that the bottom line isn't too much of a shock.
I am struggling with trying to decide what kind of window treatments I want to put up when the remodeling is done. Decisions, decisions, decisions!
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