I'd like you to meet my friend,
Sheaffer. He's a very special little guy...not to mention very funny. I can't remember exactly how I found him...or his blog...but, I did. It was probably just that I got lucky in my "blog hopping" one day. Lucky because it is so funny to read some of his posts that I have tears running down my face.
Have you ever found a blog that just pulls you in and you have to go back to the very beginning to find out how it all began..?. that was Sheaffer's for me. I laughed my head off at some of the posts... and then read them to Mr. BumbleVee and we both cracked up. But, in my backwards scrolling and reading I also discovered that life is not easy for some little donkeys... some of it is pure hell because of miserable, stupid, humans. Honestly, some days I just hate people. No wonder I'm a happy hermit.
Anyway...not to make this a rant, but just to let you know that some folks have donkeys and don't treat them right... same as lots of people have cats and dogs and other pets and don't do right by them either....it happens every day all over the world.
Sheaffer and his woman have been instrumental in efforts on behalf of donkeys in their area... and in particular on behalf of donkeys rescued and now living at
Primrose Donkey Sanctuary....
This weekend is Sheaffer's birthday and he is having a big party. With hats, treats, games like pin the butt on the humans..oh, just a minute, I think they decided against that one......and all sorts of fun happenings. If you live anywhere near Mount Albert, Ontario.... why not try to get to it? Pea... Sue... Dolores?... do you live near them? You're all invited. If I lived closer I would be there for sure...I'd love to scratch some mini donkey ears and hobnob with the horse and donkey lovers .... but, it costs as much for me to fly to Ontario as it would to fly to England if you can believe it! so, that's out...
I'll have to rely on the woman to take photos and post them on his blog ... but, I did send a little embassador in my stead.... because there is also a silent auction to raise money for the sanctuary and other donkeys. It was a way I could add some fun and perhaps a little help dollar wise for this special cause even from a distance. Sheaffer's woman found a little "Fauxbearge Egg" as she calls it, for Tuffy to sit in...like a little throne.... hahahha.... too funny. If the auction is an annual event...then next year I will be aware of the timing and have several items ready to go.
Sheaffer has plenty of buddies and "inmates" at his site..... cats, a dog, other equines... all blog fodder for Sheaffer's wit ..... especially his poor woman .... hilarious ...
Perhaps some day you'll have a few extra bucks burning a hole in your wallet ... especially Canadians and Ontarians.. (even Canadian Tire dollars are useful) ... here's a
way to help .... and it's not just donkeys either ... the sanctuary has cats, dogs, and pot-bellied pigs too... Sheila does her best for any animal in distress.

Tuffy in his "Fauxbearge" egg.... Sheaffer says he looks like a small, benevolent despot.... oh, I sure hope somebody gets the bidding going and he is able to make some money for Sheila at the sanctuary..... he's only 2 and half inches tall, but he does have a pretty big personality.....