it's okay, honest... I do know it's Tuesday, but it sounded kinda catchy don'tcha think? ... and it was supposed to be for Monday's Photo of the Week post ...so..... there ya have my reasoning.

Kaiser buns were what I wanted when I began today's (er... yesterday's) venture. Lately, I haven't been able to find any big, slightly chewy, crusted Kaisers. I want a man size bun with superior taste and holding quality ..... and by that I mean one that holds together well ...for the tastiest, big, juicy BBQ'd burger. Why have they stopped making them? Now...there are only tiny Kaiser knock-offs.... .but, they are the size of dainty dinner buns and don't hold a candle to the buns of a year or so ago......
No Kaisers in my bread books either. What gives? I should have gone directly to the computer to search for some...but, instead perused my baking books and found one that sounded like it might have some of the same characteristics of a Kaiser...and started them. While waiting for the poolish to bubble, (they say that is a French technique, but it is the strangest French word I've ever seen) Okay, I went for the Wik link and discovered it was begun in Poland and taken to France..hence the name. Learn something new everyday.
Finally discovered a great Kaiser recipe with lots of pictures and information.... sigh....... too late... I was already on with my own dough by then. However, downloaded 9 pages of info and will be trying them this week too. :::mental note to self ...**buy printer ink..it is registering empty.
How I wish I could be standing there right beside a professional baker... emulating the techniques.... the hand movements... holding my mouth just right, or whatever it takes to get the same perfect smoothness to bread and buns. There's gotta be something........
My buns don't have quite the same look...but, ohhhhhhhhhhhh ....!! We need Smellavision or Scratch 'n' Sniff on here....... mmmmmmm..... you would all be drooling on the keyboards..... and the taste !! Soooo good!
We were having them for supper with some lovely home made soup...but, I couldn't wait. Had to open one ...check the crumb... savour the steamy aroma and slather on a little butter...which melted and ran off onto my fingers and the plate and counter.... because I absolutely had to eat one hot out of the oven. When it was time for supper..... I just had soup...lol...... couldn't have stuffed in another bun, cuz as I mentioned...these are man-size.

Mine versus the pros..... sort of, but not quite the perfect clone....
And not a Kaiser either. These are lovely soft buns... a bit of crispness to the crust and very yummy...but, just not a Kaiser. Next time....
I can smell that freshed baked aroma from here! Yumm!!!!
that looks so good! I would have not been able to resist eating one right away either :D
Hi Vee,
You are making me hungry and I have just had my bowl of sultanan bran with some blueberries, for breakfast.
Your Kaiser buns look so good and you need to take over the job from the pros.
Good to learn a new word for today - poolish ( will have to remember that)
Have a good day
Mmmmmmm, I love freshley baked bread!!
Oh, those freshly baked buns look delish! I'll bet they smell heavenly! :)
Man, do those look good. How am I supposed to lose weight when I see this?
Those buns look so delicious! I can smell them ! Oh, so yummy!
Can we have a recipe, please!
I don't need Smellavision...my mouth is already watering just looking at the pics. I can imagine the smell....yum!!!
I'm glad I wasn't the only one running a day late with the Photo Monday pic.
Yum, just your discripton was making me envious! Yummy looking!
Okay, I just saw a drawing of a donut at Jennifer's blog and now I see this, whadda ya doing, trying to make me crazy with hunger. Gorgeous photos of gorgeous buns!
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