This was yesterday morning.... first Wednesday that the old guys and I got to golf. Last week it was 0 C... yesterday it was a +22C day. The neighbour's Mayday tree is in full bloom and the scent is absolutely beautiful! I walked out the door and just stood there... breathing in the scent. Then, I turned around and went right back in the house for my camera.

It was a great day...and I managed to get a 43 for our first 9 hole round ...not bad...but, it's a smallish course and I can do better. It will take us all a bit to get the feel of swinging a club again after not doing it for months.
I got some of the pots planted.... and just like Sue, I always think how sparse things look at first. I must be patient. And... also see how thing get going....some won't do as well...and I will be moving and turfing bits and pieces for a week or two now. I stuck a few annuals into the perennial garden in the front too for some added colour because a lot of the perennials are still just green at the moment. It's always fun to try to plan some colour in between bloomings of perennials and annuals.... some years I get lucky and some years...well, at least there is greenery. And...daisies...well, I always have daisies once those get going..... I have to keep pulling them out to keep them from taking over. But...I do love their lovely snow white blooms.. Oooooh...I better not say the "s" word too loud..don't want more of that for months, but around here...it is always a possibility even in summer if a cold front blows in. One year in August a friend awoke to snow on her wedding day proceedings... it was to be an "outdoor in their huge perfectly manicured and blooming back yard ceremony". There were tears, foot stamping... the big white tents and awnings were dismantled and sent back to the rental company...and then it was on to PLan B........
I would have gotten married in the snow :D lol
glad the weather was good enough you could go golfing with your old guys :)
I've tried to wear garden gloves, but to no avail. Can't do it, unless I'm trimming rose bushes....
We too are enjoying some lovely weather. Can't wait to see some pictures of your planted plants when they start blooming. Spring and Summer are lovely times of the year in the Northern Hemisphere as we can all go out and enjoy the sun and our gardens.
Hi Vee,
What fun to get back into your golf.
You sound to be busy in the garden.
The Mayday tree looks beautiful and how neat that it has a beautiful scent.
It's nice to see everyone into their gardening. I must admit I don't do the planting of flowers etc.....our gardens tend to be more easy care, year round evergreen shrubs, palms and plants.
The Mayday tree looks gorgeous in bloom ~ :)
Wow, snow in August!! Enjoyed reading that you got to play golf. I have only tried golfing once and was an absolutely failure.
Pour vous and the BVee test kitchen
xo S & les Gang
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