Then I got my "right attitude" on, and found a perfectly matching heel in a little chunk of Apoxy Sculpt... in minutes! I should have quit fiddling with yesterday's clay long before I did. Sometimes it is better to quit, if at first you don't succeed, and try again another day... I must remember to do that more often. Why waste hours struggling when it just ain't happening? I even got the sole on one of the shoes...but, now..have to wait for the heel to dry on the new one before I do the second sole; hopefully I can find a bit of play time tomorrow. Somebody has plans for us to do a few things that include hardware and plant stores .....

Hey, I even found a tutorial on French seams....and made her some bloomers. I wanted to use this gauzy soft fabric...but, it frays like crazy..so hid and protected that problem in the seaming. I can't claim I didn't have to do one of the legs twice. Silly me.... I was reading the wrong step and didn't I cut my beautiful seam after I stitched it all up perfectly. So.. began again at the step that said... cut to 1/8" after stitching the seam....

Speaking of bloomers..... look what I found in the garden this morning. It looks like a fluffy type of narcissus.

hmm I wonder if you used different flavoured teas that are different colours if the lace would still get dyed. in theory it should work but I don't know if the lace would still end up different beige colours. I have this really red tea that I think would dye lace a really nice light red colour if it worked :) How permanent is it?
Tea dying is so delicious, isn't it? Love it. And the bloomers are darling. I'm so sorry you had to do a seam twice - it must have been the day for it. I'm working on a doll body and kept sewing things wrong - had to do the center front piece *3* times! It was easier to just cut new ones and sew, rather than rip out the stitches - rather like your heel, LOL.
Nice job on that slipper, it's very graceful. Beautiful bloomers, too, both the wearables and the flowers!
That lace turned out beautifully. I love the bloomers you have made for your doll and the shoe is looking good.
Hi Vee,
I love tea dying things also - it often gives things a neat aged look.
Your shoe is lovely and glad it turned out for you.
Love your French seamed bloomers and your narcissus are so pretty.
You must be having good weather at last.
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