Doesn't seem like I have much to show for my week. Another sped by... at warp speed, yet again. However, I have been putzing on my latest doll..... don't want to show much of her yet.....
As usual for me, when I am designing one... it is a lot of hit and miss with sizing of appendages ..... this is about the fourth set of hands. Surprisingly they have all just looked too tiny against the patterned fabric I'm using for her dress, even though I have done bodies and hands about the same size ratio as this in the past and I thought at that time they looked alright... ... strange....
Sometimes when I am stitching around the tiny fingers, the pattern paper lifts off a bit... very annoying... because then it means I have to hold it down... hopefully in the correct place and try to stitch around loose fingers. Yesterday I tried this trick instead. Whipped out my trusty mini iron, plugged it in.. put a piece of fabric under the one I was stitching on...and ironed the sticky paper backing into position on my fabric again .... right there on the sewing machine. Hah! getting smarter in my old age... that made things much easier.

I don't use that little iron for much...but, when I do need it... boy, it comes in handy.
One caution::::: don't grab it by anything but the nice cool handle. That lovely shiny rod part? damnably hot!!
I can't wait to see what your newest doll looks like!
i think this will be the one and only time i say that an iron is cute lol :D
Hi Vee,
What a dinky little iron and must be so useful for what you are doing.
I look forward to seeing your new doll when you finish.
Enjoy your weekend
Apart from my eyes watering at how small that work is, and how tiny the fingers...that is an iron? I've never seen anything like it, but how very, very useful! I am sure I need one in my life!
What a clever clogs you are! I've seen these teeny irons used for wax techniques in art too.
I was going to say that iron looks lethal lol! However it is a great idea. If they made the shiny rod bit heat proof I bet it will start making its appearance here. But I don't think British Standards would approve of it as it is. But it does seem a great idea to have an iron that can reach into unreachable places. My designing is hit and miss too. Usually I don't have problems with head and body. But I am having tremendous problems with the head of the current one. Either it gets too big or too small ha shall keep on plugging away. All the best with yours.
You're very inventive! Will be looking forward to the finished piece.
Can't wait to see the New doll!
I hate making fingers on dolls. :(
Those little areas drive me nuts! LOL
Ah- what drove me to sculpting. I used to get so frustrated trying to turn tiny fabric fingers-LOL! I decided it was easier to sculot them in clay.
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