..diggin' rocks in the hot sun... diggin' rocks 'til it's all done.....
This weekend, I shoveled about 1/4 tonne of limestone rock... I know that because you buy it by the tonne and have to weigh in and out of the rock pit on the scale. Shoveled it into the back of the van...out of the van into a wheelbarrow...and then out of the wheelbarrow into the patio garden area. That should take the place of some weight training...and burn about 50 calories..... . ....strange how much you actually have to move to burn even one solitary little guy.
Ran Little Red around the yard.... love the smell of freshly mowed grass....not that the lawn is in great shape yet...it is a bit sparse actually. My only consolation is that most of the neighbours have the same sparse, matted... sort of dead looking patches...
Watering can weighs plenty when full.... carried it all over the yard watering pots and newly planted babies.... more weights.... balancing on rocks while stepping between plants and flowers... a little core training.... digging, stooping, squatting, til my legs and butt felt so tight I could hardly move.... What difference will a few more hours make at that point? Everything already hurts.... just keep going.

Dandelions were masquerading as anemones.... lots more stooping ... they always look so healthy....

the first yellow iris....

sedum and creeping phlox are looking great now....
A bath, Ibuprofen and some ice packs.... and do it all again tomorrow...... at least for the first few weeks of each gardening season..
Hi Vee,
Know what it is like doing that sort of work. We moved, I can't recall how many ton of river stones when we were making a path. It is hard work and I remember my face being the colour of a beetroot.
It will be lovely when you get it finished and I think you always need to keep that in mind.
Don't overdo it though.
Yes Vee it is better excersise than the Gym as you burn off calories just the same but you get a wonderful garden to enjoy, so two rewards instead of one. It's looking lovely.
Oh wow. Really love your garden. You will be pleased to know you will continue losing calories for over 24hours after your exercise has finished....yes even while you are relaxing to enjoy your garden so put your feet up and enjoy.
Hi Vee,
Your flowers look beautiful. I'm sure the body pains get forgotten when you look at the results in your garden. I don't have a garden, so I'm enjoying the pictures that you post on your blog. Have fun with it but don't over-do-it ... I'm too far away to be of any help to you, if you hurting.
Luv ... Maria
Vee, your flowers are lovely and I'll bet you are slim and trim, doing all that heavy work. Goodness those stones are beautiful but must have been a real chore to get into your garden.
Hi Vee,
Wow, you have been working your "Gluteus Maximus" off! LOL
That's heavy work getting all that rock in place. :(
But I bet it all looks beautiful now. Love your gorgeous flowers too.
OH, such pretty pics! Yep, being out in nature is also a wonderful tonic for the mind and body. If I worked in the garden like that, I would be laid up for days with severe back pain due to an old injury so I'm happy to just sit back and watch you at it. :)
Great photos and I was out doing yard work all day yesterday, trimming...cutting back, weeding...the perks of home ownership I guess, ha.
Beautful photos! I know your hurting but isn't it just worth it when you see all the beauty in your yard? I wish I could work in my yard more, I would love to have a garden, maybe next year. I have started on my exercise bike and finally made up to 20 minutes this morning, my next goal is 30 mintues and we'll see afer that (;
Sounds like you had quite the work out :)
i thought those dandelions were anemones for a second, they are really pretty :D
Aren't those dandelions pretty. Oh my you have been working hard! Just make sure you take care of your back while carrying and pushing loads.
Woo Hoo! Summer has arrived at Vee's! Look at all these brightly colored flowers!
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