........in my head, on paper, .... then... a few trial runs stitched up and stuffed. And, if it is a new shape or size...then all the body parts usually need "trial running" because I have no clue how big or small they will turn out... or if there is some other way to figure out how each size will look in comparison. I bet there is a ratio scheme, and if I ask Mr. BumbleVee..he will whip out his calculator and tell me. Like he did last time I wonderd how big some feet should be in comparison to a head or something...I forget what it was now. Anyway... it seems to me there is no rhyme or reason to most of it. And it certainly doesn't matter. Some doll makers love huge hands... some like big feet.... some heads seem overly large to me in comparison to bodies....etc.... I seem to prefer tiny on all counts. Which can make things tricky in some situations. It's just that with this particular doll, I want more or less lifelike proportions.... with the usual exception... not too short. I probably like tall and willowy because I am not.
...soo, on with it.....
a bit of posing with my trial legs... ... ...with or without a body ...just to get the "feel" of them. How big they really are ... etc... I can never tell how they will look til I actually get my hands on them.

I don't know if there is a way to make the heel/ankle area more narrow...but, so far I haven't found it in any of the few patterns I have seen. I was thinking perhaps some darting might work...but, haven't tried that yet. And stitching up two pieces of fabric...the ankle area always seems too thick to me...doesn't look dainty. This is my trick to shape the feet before I begin modeling some shoes on her.

...strategically placed stitching with some strong craft and button thread.. almost simulates ankle bones....
For this doll...I want shoes that are not at all bulbous at the toes.. so made her toes quite narrow to begin with...and then also flattened them with some stitching.

Today I got the first layer of Apoxy Sculpt on. I begin with the heel... and work my way down towards the front. I have absolutely no idea how anybody else does it... but, it would be nice to pick somebody's brain that has done several pairs of shoes... ....and how great would it be to see some done first hand.
Somebody mentioned last time to hang things on a hanger to dry...hahaha...but, then I had to search around for something tall enough to hang that from so it didn't drag on the table. And... I wanted to keep it there with me while working on the second shoe... because invariably I will get one larger than the other or the sides will be too high or too low...if I am not looking straight at it as I work on the mate.

Usually I don't do the whole shoe on the same day as I have a tendency to squish one part while concentrating too much on another area.... arrrghhhh !!...that is so annoying.
This clay takes a day to cure ...so I do some more on the second day and hopefully by the third I can begin to paint them.... doesn't always happen...but often does if all goes according to my loosely woven plan.....
I've found a rather useful site for body proportions that you may find helpul...
You appear to not need it though cos your characters are wonderful. Keep up the good work.
Hi Vee,
They are taking shape! Looking good ... keep going.
Has the snow gone away yet?
Hugs ....
Great progress shots, Vee....I'm amazed at your talent for sculpting beautiful shoes. I'm looking forward to more pics on this one.
Perfectionist. You do know that people in the real world are not perfectly proportioned. Having said that, I guess the 'formula' for figuring out how long, how short some body part should be is just an 'average.' I ramble. Sorry, I love the fact that you are showing us the process. Working from the bottom up - I wouldn't have done that...
This is so clever! WOW! Even the wee sketch in the fisrt pic! So graceful! You are soooo talented!
As for something to hang it on, what about one of those banana tree things? You know, those things people use to put them on, instead of laying them in a fruit bowl.
darting should work, just might be hard to work that small with them.
the shoe looks great, wouldn't mind a pair like that
The legs are very shapely. How big is the doll body? I too tend to work small. Have never got on well with big dolls. The shoe is looking great. I wish I had one as nice as that.
Love the shape of the legs! Body parts are measured in comparison to the head. How did you get the apoxie to look so smooth? The shoe looks lovely.
It's so interesting to follow along with your process. I'm sure the finished piece will be great.
It's so interesting to follow along with your process. I'm sure the finished piece will be great.
The legs are a beautiful shape.
So she is going to have a pair of pointy shoes. My dear Mother always used to hate our pointy shoes and said the we would get bunions.
Good to see the work in progress.
They are lovely legs, it's great to see your process.
I loved the progress shots. It is so interesting to follow. The doll legs look great, especially that shoe. Can't wait to see more of this doll.
Amazing and very clever, and to see them from scetch to finished legs was great. Look forward to seeing the finished doll.
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