What a beautiful colour.... like old fashioned icing sugar flowers on wedding cakes or the special candies that I remember from Christmas ... .. ... there were usually only about 3 out of 20 that were this special colour and so smooth and creamy .... melt-in-your mouth sugary... but somehow, not overly sweet, although it hardly seems possible. That's how I remember them anyway....

It must have been the appointed day to pick up plants, flowers and potting soil or something. Everybody and their dogs and kids were out doing the same..... it was bedlam. Oh, how I hate Saturday shopping! I hate shopping most days... but Saturdays....... ohhhhh... the absolute worst. However, today somebody was home... and he was on a mission to get pots and stuff for his "babies"... so I went along ... and got some flowers to fill my big pots and some to add to the garden for colour in amongst the perennials. I'll go back for more after I plant some...and also when it is an early morning week day..... and quiet.
I saw a perfect little burbling water fountain thingy too... must go back and look at it again...I think I might have to have it..

All of a sudden we have....a patio garden!
A friend gave us several cartons of tiny pepper plants he grew from seeds..and some almost spindly tomato plants.
Mr. BV seems to feel obliged to plant and rear them all... even if it means we will have a truckload of peppers... what am I saying?...probably several truckloads.. and about the same amount of tomatoes... providing they all survive. I still have several I will try to pawn off on neighbours.
Summer is now upon us... even if it was 0 C the other day. It was a lovely warm day and is still +14C out there ...it is now 11:00 p.m. This week is supposed to be all +20 something days and nights of + 8 C or so.... I think we may be out of the frost warning days. I hope. Our growing season is not that long and these "babies" will need all the sun and warmth they can absorb. The patio will definitely give them that...it is south facing..... and gets plenty of sun.... to the point of stinking hot most days. I must remember to water the babies.....

We got 'em planted in some fun terra cotta pots... put two little pepper plants in each of four pots...and had plenty left over... so put some in the garden here and there and I put a tiny one in each of the big flower pots in the backyard too. If nothing else they will add to the greenery and look nice... they have cute little leaves.
oh,...and look...one already has the tiniest little peppers on it!

When full grown, these are some pretty hot little red peppers. I still have some from the ones Stanley grew in pots last year. I left them in a little glass bowl and used some while they were fresh. But, then...they got dried out and then... perfectly mummified. Now, I toss one in soups or sauces every so often ... ...and whew.... beads of sweat on my lip.... mmmmmm ... spicy!
I hope we have as much luck as Stanley with our little patio pot garden....
That dahlia is gorgeous! Good luck with the pepper plants!
Your dahlia is the exact shade of pink that is my very favorite color!
Hello Vee,
I'm glad you are finally having good weather. Now you can enjoy the heat that you have been wishing for... and having fun with your veggie garden. I hope you guys are doing well.
Have fun. Miss you.
looking forward to seeing how your potted garden grows B Vee's xo S & les Gang
you could always make spicy tomato sauce with all your veggies :D
Mummy mowed the lawn today and went around the daisies again to lease them there. She says it's cos the bees like them and also because the man next door doesn't. HEheheee.
Weev never grown enything to eet. Mummy waz goin to gro tomartoes but sheez the ownly wun that eets them.
Hi Vee,
You have been busy with your new plants. Love the dahlia, such a pretty colour.
Good luck with the vege plants and may you have wonderful sun to make them grow well.
The dahlias are such a pretty pink! Congratulations on your new patio garden. When you say peppers, do you mean chillies or capsicum? They look like chillies in the bottom pic but I know Americans call capsicum...peppers. Not sure if Canadians do too.
I was just thinking yesterday about getting pots of veggies growing. I can't have a garden in the yard because of all the critters.
love those pretty pink flowers.
How fun to plant peppers and tomatoes. I have some growing in a hot spot, too, against my house along the alley.
They do love heat and sun.
Do you read mysteries? I am giving one away at my blog this week.
The peppers look beautiful and I love the colour of the Dahlia it is gorgeous. I have been removing an old bush in one corner of my garden planting other plants instead. It was a mamoth task lucky that my nephew was visiting who helped to remove the roots from the ground.
I think everyone was busy over the weekend planting and potting. Those sugar pink dahlias are gorgeous!
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