The first beautiful, sunny, blue sky day that I was able to hobble around in the garden......and look what greeted me. The flowering plum had bloomed!
Can't believe how the days fly by!! Physio takes up too much time! Nothing is really helping..this foot/ankle is making me crazy. It hurts to try to walk on uneven surfaces... like lawn, stepping stones etc. I have to get some plants into those pots! And... today I got sucked in .. by a pretty little "miniature" Wegelia... I sure hope it stays as small as they say it will! I was minding my own business; looking for some potting soil and there it was. Looking so beautiful...and those trumpet shaped flowers... in a lovely fuschia... I just know it will attract butterflies...and I can hope for a hummingbird too! Had to have it. With the new areas of garden I have after removing lots of square feet of sod...I can plant more flowers and shrubs. This is great. Now ...if I could only dig. It is tough balancing on the bad foot and trying to push a shovel into hard ground. Ice packs and Ib. again tonight.... sigh..........

And guess what this is? My Hoya bloomed as well yesterday. He is in the house... (I always call it a "he" for some reason) and blooms from time to time. An old plant...that never...and I really mean it... never...gets a new leaf...but once or twice a year the silly thing gets flowers on the same old stalk. It is about 2 inches long now... with little bumps where the old flower stems were... and the new ones grow below the old stuff. Strange little thing.... have you ever smelled Hoya scent? It is amazing...and only happens at night time. About 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. all of a sudden a wonderful scent wafts through the house. Somebody told me it is to attract night time pollinators...like moths...