Shelli ... this is my representation of Tatiana Oles ...a Russian painter whose ACEO's I was buying last year. I wanted to see if I could do one of my own ... It is pen and ink and watercolour.
Mine is on the left ..... I still want to do some little white swirls .. but have yet to find White India Ink which is what Tatiana told me she uses for the white areas... anybody have another suggestion?
WOW, Vee... that's an INCREDIBLE card you've made! Not just in how well you reproduced the colors, tone, and look of the original, but also in the techniques used, and your mastery of them. Thanks so much for pointing me directly toward your artwork. I'm not surprised at how beautiful this card is, though; your dolls have gorgeously shaded faces, so clearly, you've got those painting chops. Yay, you!
,,, ooweee are you fast! I got back here slower than you got here! Hahahha too funny. I was changing my address on your site to my blog address....
oh, tx for saying such kind things... I don't know about techniqes...it is just copying really I think .... but nice to be able to copy some times too I guess. I was pretty happy with my attempt. Tx for looking...
Veronica, You are a woman of wonders!!! You did a fantistic job. I hope you are going to do more. maggi
Hi Maggi...tx for stopping by the blog!
Oh, oh...I feel my head swelling from all the wondeful compliments ...honestly it was more or less just drawing it as she did and then painting a bit of colour on it. I do want to try some more for sure....
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