Look at the size of these things Pauline! Got 'em planted finally and they all seem to be doing great so far.
Another beautiful day weather-wise... although later it is supposed to rain a bit...good... we need some. Especially now that all my pots are planted...hurraaayyy! My brother wrote to tell me that the service by the smaller ferries in his area has been discontinued due to the debris and huge trees floating downriver...this,...after it was +36 C there for over a week! Now they are having major rainfall. Never a happy medium is it?
Our doll group had its annual potluck and last meet of the season and somehow I am going to be teaching a class on faces next year for the group. Huh?? how did that happen? I am the rookie here... I guess I will just be winging it; showing them what I have learned so far and using my own techniques... swear a lot?! hahahha... no... but seriously... what do I know? I better sew up a bunch of heads and get busy practicing.....
One of the TT' ers (Teddy Talk) did an epb class over the weekend...ohhhh how I wish I could do one of those. I better save my sheckels... she may come close enough to my end of the globe some day....and then... I go!!! Can hardly wait to hear more about the info... the fun....and to see the dolls they created.
Last night I began a little off-white needle felt...it is ages since I did one. Time to make a few bears I think.
I have commissioned a gal in England (Penny, from Gotobed Bears ) to make me a hang tag for my dolls and bears.... oohhhhhhh just wait til you see!! She does beautiful work. The samples she sent me are wonderful....now to try to choose... this is horrible...I want them all@! Normally I do one by hand ... as, and when, I sell something...but this.... this will be so much more professional and people will be getting a work of art as an added bonus when they purchase a bear or doll. As soon as I get it ....show and tell time!
Then....I likely will be begging for some help with printing them off! All you computer buffs that are stopping by.... this is to let you know in advance.... they will be almost the same size as an ATC...just a tad larger I think... so..how do I get a whole sheet to print out at the same time? ...and...is there a way to then flip the sheet and actually get the reverse info to line up exactly under each picture? or is this wishful thinking?
I didn´t know what or who epb is, so I had to follofw the link ( very clever way of doing that, to link to other sites, well done!) and found myself bewitched. Cool site!
And I can´t wait to see the hang tags- when PenPen makes the, they are bound to look smashing!
I bet your hang tags are going to be wonderful!
Your flowers are spectacular! you seem to have a really green thumb!! :o)
Hi Gaby
tx for stopping by my corner of the world..
Isn't that fun... hopping from blog to site to blog? ...sometimes it can take hours if you get totally intrigued..but what the hey! If we don't have a few hours in a day to play...we have our priorities all wrong!! It is so interesting and we get to see things we didn't know anything about prior to a little read. It is like doing detective work... and I always wanted to be a "private eye".....
Hiya Yvette... hey we are on here at the same time...lol
Congrats on epb buying some of your creations!! how cool was that?
Great job on the doll too by the way...
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