So.... here is the new boot ... an air cast for my fractured foot .. which by the way already feels better and less painful than it has for months.
It is a bit of a rigmarole to put on ... but not that big a deal when it is at least doing some good! Sure feels a lot better than getting pummeled at physio and coming home in agony!

The inside portion is like a little pillowed vest with velcro fasteners .. that encases the foot and leg to the knee. You first seat the heel as far back as it will go and close the fasteners.
Close the over fastener straps as well ....

hen ... turn the little white "inflate" button clockwise and pump up the inner air core with the blue cushion. What a great idea somebody had! At night it comes off and a tensor bandage and sock do the trick while sleeping so that my toes don't get caught on sheets and pull things apart again. That sure wakes me up with a start when it tweaks!
Wow Vee!!What a contraption this is!!Never mind though if it is doing some good for you,keep going with it. I really do hope you get better soon, it must be awful worrying for you.
Best wishes to you
Oh Vee, sorry to hear you have to put up with that.. my hubby had something like that.. he ended up having three knee surgeries and the last one .. they had to put steel rods in his knee. He does good on it though.. he is a mailman and walks alot everyday. It is important to do what they tell you in therapy. Hope you are okay! Hugs, Folksie Linda
Hey ladies ...tx for the good wishes...
I am a bit nervous doing what "they" tell me now! After they made me go for such a pummeling at the hands of the physio guy and it got so much worse. But..I know what you mean..I am resting it and using the cast...and when I have the MRI in August.. things will be healed! ...Yessss! Well, here's hoping anyway...
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