On a fun note:... neighbours had a tee time for Sunday ... high noon. Time to do battle with our closest city course.... the toughest and longest and in reality a benchmark course. Dusted off and polished up our weapons. Froze some water in a bottle. Packed some snacks..
If you can play well on this course....nothing will intimidate you. Length from the "champion" or black tees.... 6576 yards. So, even if you don't tee off from that distance, you still must walk past each of those tee boxes...and hence walk the whole length of the course. It is several miles by the end of the day. It is up and down hill and dale as well...so pulling or pushing or holding back our carts as we needed to... my feet were getting sore by the end of it. And..it was HOT. . we all got sunburned.
The guys used the whites at 5779 and we used the forward tees at 5503 yds. Long enough for the first 18 hole game of the season. On Wednesdays, with "my old guys", I only play 9 holes on a much smaller course. To be honest, I was a bit panicked to do 18 ...especially on this particular course, after not swinging a club all last year...and only having been out two times with my Wednesday buddies. I only wanted to have one swing thought in my head as I stepped nervously up to the first tee. Keep my eye on the ball. That way, no matter what I looked like, or swung like.... I would hit the ball for sure. There is nothing quite as embarrassing as "whiffing" (that means missing the ball entirely!!) on the only tee where everybody is standing around watching you ...... not that they really care... and for sure they don't know me...and what difference does it make anyway? ...but...somehow inside... it does. And, besides, they say right on the score card..... "this is an intermediate to advanced skill level course"... and although they also say all golfers are allowed on the course there is also the stipulation that you must keep up the "pace of play"...which is 4 hours, .... 4 1/2 hours maximum on busy days. If you can't keep up the pace you must pick up your ball and walk to the spot where the better players have hit theirs and take your next shot from there. So...I need to be able to get it at least 150 yds. or so on a fairway shot to be able to keep up. Marshals are out there in their little riding carts...kind of like the old west...almost like they are on horse back when you think of it.... forcing us to speed up or "play on" if we fall behind by more than a hole...... But........ first drive of the day..... 150 and straight down the center of the fairway!! Hah! we were off and I was a happy camper! the guys went into some trees...way down there........ and my friend was just to the right of me on the fairyway. (hahahha look at that... fairy way) ....love it. It is the fairway actually. However, it became the "fairy way" after the very first shot. It was magical... a beautiful golf course, ....all to ourselves! The group behind us must have had poor tee shots...and the group in front disappeared from the first tee before we even took our third shots... the pace was wonderful... walk, hit.. etc.. The guys behind never did get near us..... the ones in front were always off the green by our approach. Perfect pace. I only lost one ball to the water.... and managed to score 107.... I was pretty pleased with myself for my first game. I know I can improve on that by several shots... cuz I lost some shots to just silly errors and looking up too soon....... looking forward to the next attempt ...and will be soooo much more relaxed now that I know I can still do what I was able to a few years ago. Around the green I don't lose many shots... as a matter of fact, I took some sand and chipping lessons years ago... and the pro told me that women can do away with a lot of shots around the green by perfecting shots the guys never practice. He was right... women don't need to be able to hit the ball 250 yards... (especially into trees or long grass) .. as long as once we get to within 100 yards of the green we play it smart. And, practice chipping and putting.... it saves soooo many strokes! I like to think I am a pretty good putter... it does take a few games to get a feel for it though...

This pic is from a few years ago... forgot my camera on Sunday.... playing in a foursome with the guys from the smaller company we are now "with". A rather cool October day at a beautiful private course that we managed to get on .. due to a member of the course who used to own the engineering company. Sure wish I had pics of this past weekend.... darn it.
Mr. BumbleVee.... who is notorious for a rather poor attitude on a golf course, (I have decided it is because he is very competitive, but, also embarrasses easily) had a really great day. I mean,it became almost legendary years ago... when working for a large oil company. Yearly golf tournaments had to be played... one year somebody called me to say they had a lottery going for a big weekend golf tournament... did I want to buy some squares. They had a huge pool of money already..almost sold out. It was a guessing game... on which hole would G lose it. At first I was ... uhm.... a bit embarrassed ... both for me and then for him. But... I figured what the hey... I could win some money! the pot was pretty big! As it turned out... he did fine for two whole days... somebody who didn't know him had chosen the third day ... and they won. They even had people in his group and in front and behind watching and they would be the judges as to whether he really lost it or it was just a normal swearing thing as they all do if they miss a critical shot or something. They all agreed...he held it together pretty well 'til the morning of the third day..when he was in contention for a big win and then...as they say in golf.... "the wheels fell off" .. both with his game and his attitude. People have to hide when his wheels really come off.... clubs might even go sailing ... sigh... poor guy. But.. . back to Sunday.... he shot an 89 !! He has never broken 100 on this course. He was quietly very impressed with himself I am sure.. ... now to hold onto that thought. I end up not being able to play with him if he "loses it" more than a couple times in a season ... I then just refuse to go with him to the course until next year. I have to find others to play with... so I am still hoping that as he ages..perhaps he will mellow....but..... not clinging to that hope very desperately. After all ...he is a man. But, I have found other people to golf with so that he doesn't have to force himself to be out there just to make me happy. It is kind of sad really.... because he has infinite patience with others.....how strange. He even taught me all he knew about golf.......til the point where he said he didn't know enough to help me any further and that I should probably take a few lessons from a pro. He has taught many others too... so patient with all of them...even the totally non-athletic ones...but just not for himself.... I so want to be able to golf with him til well into old age....so I guess I do keep hoping.....
Sounds like a fun day of golfing for sure! I often wish I had learned how to golf because it does seem like such a wonderful way to spend a few hours. My two sons love to golf and try to make time for a few games every summer. Isn't it funny how husbands seem to have patience with everyone else but never their wives! lol xoxo
Pea.... somewhere you read it incorrectly....he has tons of patience with me and everybody else...just not with himself......
Who was it that said golf is a good walk spoiled? Thats the category of people i fall into! Glad you had fun though, sounds like a perfect day for it.
I wanted to email you to say thanks for your words several days ago, but couldnt find your email here. I agree with you, there will be plenty more 'buses' along, I just have to wave my hand and one will stop. I thought about deleting that post because I wrote it when I was feeling defeated and was just rambing, without thinking properly. Instead I edited it a bit. I've recovered now! Thanks again.
And p.s, I have a big plastic bin/barrel i make compost in, my place is way too small for a big pile like your sis. One day though...
Competitive? A man? Hmmmm, how odd! LOL! Glad that you had a great weekend golfing. I'm sure it felt great to get out there. Both my daughter and my son golf. I miniature golf...is that the same? ;>
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