Boy, I sure hope these guys didn't have to pay for their menu printing. I was a little concerned... maybe they didn't know the difference between sand and sugar....I ordered the Chicken Penne ...
Today I learned how to make a killer Crème brûlée .. I copied that from Wik... because I don't have the proper accents on this keyboard to do it justice. It is French for "burnt cream". However, I chose to make mine a lovely golden brown when I broiled the surface...a torch is the other option for achieving the toasty look on top. Tomorrow I will put the recipe on my Tea and Scones blog.
My friend Maria spent some time today showing me the ropes.... ohhhhhhh man, is her recipe tasty. I have never tried to make it...and, I have to admit..it is not something I would order for dessert at a restaurant. No...given a choice..I would probably choose something sinful and chocolate. Not that this isn't sinful...but..it just isn't chocolate is it? Maybe I've had a spoonful of brulee on a rare occasion but that would be about it. All that changed today. Now, I can make my own.... and know exactly what to expect. Perfect consistency... perfect sugar....perfect flavour.. .. toasted to a T......

Oh, I'm sorry.... I forgot the camera 'til waaaay too late. Yup...even licked the dish...felt like a cat... with tuna.....mmmmmmm.......

My daffys finally got "dilly".....and now have petals all yellow and frilly.....
UPDATE ::: Creme Brulee recipe now on Tea and Scones blog
Mmmm, the creame brulee sounds yummy!
I usually choose cheesecake. I like the daff's frillies! x
I am a big chocolate fan, but I also love Creme Brulee... Can't wait to read your recipe!
I love creme brulee, forgetting the accents for the moment, I hate looking up those codes... Tirimisu may well be my favorite dessert, though.
Glad that your daffodils are dilly and frilly! They sure are pretty.
Say, what should I think of a word verification that says "wowfat"?
It's amazing how often you see errors on menus! Your daffodil is gorgeous :O)
gimme that cremem brulee and no one will get hurt! put some fresh fruit on top in a yummy sauce and I'll let you keep the spoon.
(you did know that's my FAVORITE dessert right?? and Tiramisu' is my second favorite!!)
It is Tiramisu by the way, google it.
here you go, it's Italian
"pick me up" (the literal translation of "tirami-su")
Wow, someone will have to show the printer the difference between "desert" and "dessert"! lol Would you believe I've never had a Creme Brulee? I know, I'm soooo deprived! I'll have to check out your recipe when I get back from my trip:-) xoxo
I LOOOOOVE creme brulee ... with or without the accent marks!
OH, now that's funny!! and I missed in entirely!! (usually I'm a real stickler for desert vs dessert, that and they're vs their) what good eyes you have darling!
My latest annoyance is "comprises of" instead of "comprises".
As in a dish on a menu I saw on Sunday, of mixed desserts to be shared by two people "This dish comprises of..."
No it doesn't! It comprises!
I've seen that mistake all over lately.
e.g. a notice advertising a(nother) new housing development "comprising of one, two and three bedroomed homes".
Maybe I'm just getting old.
LOL re you forgot the camera. Ha!
You licked the dish? My mum would have said, why not take your shoes and socks off and get in!
You have to create a recipe that combines the Crème brûlée with something chocolaty (is that a word?)
Love your gorgeous daffadils! Looks like spring has finally arrived at your little corner of the world.
Creme Brulee is my Favorite!
Sandra Evertson
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