Early today I had a functional laundry room... clean, beautiful and I liked it very much thank you.

But, we are changing appliances ...... so, .... somebody began "imagine-eering"

.... and all of a sudden ...it looked like this!!! ackkk!!
I stayed out of the way for most of it......

playing with some more colour on my new button-face. Highlights on the pupils are the final bit for making them come alive.... it just changes things so dramatically I can hardly believe the difference when I do it. It is amazing.

It's fun to try different colours.... hair or fabric for hats.....

Hmmmm....I may have settled on this bit of faux fur...
nope, gotta go with pink in honor of my good friend pinky at cheese in myshoe!
I like the faux fur best.
That catch light in the eyes makes a big difference in photography too.
oh, good luck with you laundry...
hey Vee, you send him over here when he's finished up ! or maybe you could both come ... you can mow the lawn while he handy's up my house and I'll make you both really good tea & cake. xo, S, Winn & les Chats
You are a wise woman to leave the remodeling to the hubby and spend your time creating your gorgeous faces-LOL!
Hope that the imagineering turned out well. It did look scary!
The face with the faux fur is very nice...my favorite. Maybe that's what I should do with my hair. ;D
Uh oh, think your laundry room will ever be the same again??? hehe I so love the faces you make and I think my two favourites are the pink hair and faux fur. xox
err, what happens when you buy a new piece of furniture????
I'm envious of your laundry make-over mine hasn't even got to a functional stage yet.. after 15 years..hubby has a million projects on the go but has trouble finishing!
I like the pink hairstyle and the fur :O)
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