I should have left the south (and sunniest side) before I did...but you probably know how it goes. The poor blue fescue looks so dead, dry and cluttered with leaves, needles and cones after the snow melts....

ahhh... much better. A good trim .... hehehe.... okay, so it looks a bit skinned! Not to worry..they grow back. That side of the yard is my xeriscaping project.

Three maids in a row...look how gloriously well they grow! Why is that? .. but, you know, I still think dandelions photograph so well..in all stages of their growth cycle. I've seen some great shots of them full blown...seeds sailing off on a breeze against a blue, blue sky...... .lovely....
Just one more thing to trim..or rake under or sweep... and already it was 1:30 .....

This is it when I get dusty, dirty and can't be bothered going in to eat.... crackers out of the package..a blob of peanut butter and some juice... ahhhh heaven. And perfectly fine nutrition. I was happy to sit in the shade for a bit. I was getting toasty! My back was killing me too...so it was time. Boy, after the winter laziness...I am outta shape! I better toughen up. I had to sit on my folded up mat to do anything after the first hour... couldn't bend over or squat anymore.

the dafs are still beautiful...more of them have bloomed... several different colours it seems.

These are almost peachy pink...not yellow at all really.... a lovely colour...
Today; another perfect day....off outside to check out my garden.......still plenty to do...a few more days yet til I can say I have things to the point where I consider it "tidy"....
It has been SO hot here, too. But there's no way I would go and garden in this heat. You are way more dedicated than I.
That daffodil in the peach... I don't think I've ever seen one like it- very pretty!
PS- I'm lovin your snack- I eat that for lunch even when I'm not in a rush!
One word, IBUPROPHEN. I know what you mean about those first couple of outings in the garden, Leaves me stiff for days. Im OK until I stop moving and then I seem to turn to cement! I quit my job, the one that was causing me to lose large amounts os sleep. I will, not that I have sleep ans time and can piece my mind back together, get your hanmade gift out in the mail next week. Hope you like it!
Garden's looking good. It's easy to get too excited when spring first appears and do too much all at once, I always do it, I'm that glad to see the sun after the long winter but it's my favorite time of year and daffodils and tulips my favorite flowers. Yours are gorgeous colours.
The daffodils are really pretty, love the apricot tones...hope your back is feeling better by now..don't overdo it! :O) Gx
All your hard work will pay off!Though back breaking, doesn't it feel good to be outside playing in the dirt? I used to love spending every free minute gardening when we lived in IL. Now days I make do with just container plants- getting old and lazy-ha!
Another beautiful day here! hope yours is wonderful!!
kari & kijsa
lobster rolls & creme brulee - a perfect combination. wink. xo S & Winn
Lovely photos Vee and what gorgeous weather you are having! Soon be time for the summer blooms. I hope your aches and pains are easing ... we all dash in and do more than we should when the sun comes out don't we?! LOL!
A day well spent, I'd say!
Spring is in the air! This is the time to take special notice of what nature has to offer. As you know it doesn't last long. Even though I don't have a garden I make sure that I don't let a moment go by to admire the new leaves & blossoms on the trees. "The hills are alive with the look of spring" :) It all looks so beautiful. Hope your back is feeling better, Vee. See you soon.
Hugs... Maria
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